WEA Applauds Adoption of Global Biodiversity Framework, Calls on Churches to Take Action to Help Protect God’s Creation


The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) applauds the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) adopted at United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP 15) in Montreal. Under the auspices of the UN, representatives from 188 governments gathered in Canada for two weeks and adopted the framework that outlines four goals and 23 targets for achievement by 2030, such as putting 30 percent of the planet under protection.

“Christians understand the world as being made by God, and given to humanity to tend and nurture,” says Janet Epp Buckingham, Director of Global Advocacy for the WEA. “We have been dismayed to see many species extinct or at risk of extinction. In the GBF, the nations of the world have committed to protecting species and their habitat.”

“The Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) process to get this global agreement was long and arduous because the issues it was focusing on are complex morally, ethically, scientifically, and technically. They relate to life and interdependence of every creature on earth, including human life, culture, society and economics,” says Chris Elisara, co-director of the WEA Sustainability Center. “Furthermore, the CBD took a fully inclusive approach, which welcomed all voices, including those of faith-based organizations like the WEA.”

Elisara further comments, “We celebrate the achievement of the new Framework and thank the CBD for including us in this formative step. Now we want to step up our work with other evangelical partners like A Rocha, Renew Our World, and the hundreds of organizations that are members of the Lausanne/WEA Creation Care Network (LWCCN) all around the world, research and educational partners like Christian colleges and universities, and Christians who working in the private sector, to help implement the goals and targets of the GBF. Where necessary, we will also push for higher goals and targets that are more adequate to care for God’s gift of creation.” 

While the GBF provides a high-level framework, it will be up to states, communities, organizations, and individuals to take action to protect nature. Everyone has a role to play. The WEA encourages its nine regional and 143 national Evangelical Alliances as well as denominations and local churches in the neighborhoods to take steps to preserve natural habitats as God’s creation and to encourage their governments to take action as well.

For more on the WEA Sustainability Center, see https://wea-sc.org/en/home

WEA’s Chris Elisara and Janet Epp Buckingham participated in COP15 in Montreal. See their videos on Twitter @weasc. Elisara also presented an Evangelical Biodiversity Briefing at COP15.

Read the CBD’s press release regarding the adoption of the Global Biodiversity Framework

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