Pastors and Leaders Conference on Discipleship with National Christian Fellowship of Bangladesh


Written by Bishop Philip P. Adhikary, Chairman of National Christian Fellowship of Bangladesh, for Asia Evangelical Alliance’s December 2022 Newsletter

With the blessing of our glorious Lord, Bangladesh has become the witness of the biggest “National Pastors and Leadership Conference-2022” on November 23-26, 2022. Bangladesh Evangelical Alliance (NCFB) was the proud host of the conference and helped the national denominations to be a blessed part of the event. Around 600 church leaders, including the women and youth, have participated in the conference to receive guidance on “Transforming the Nation through Leadership and Discipleship Training”. Our vision is to “Come, be a disciple first and make disciples of all Nations” (Matthew 28:19-20). We are blessed to announce that we have successfully shared the vision and reached the heart of the church leaders who participated in the conference. The impact is visible. 

The WEA CEO and Secretary General Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher and AEA Secretary General Dr. Bambang Budijanto were the main speakers who shared their hearts and reached the souls of the national church leaders. They trained the participants and fruitfully planted the seeds of our vision in their hearts. We are greatly honored and privileged to have Dr. Thomas and Dr. Budijanto with us. Besides, the Lord our God has blessed me to host them during the conference. We are truly grateful. 

I would like to praise our loving and merciful Father for providing the opportunity to Bangladesh Evangelical Alliance (NCFB), all our 600 church leaders including women and youth, our entire team, and me to become the witness of this successful event. I request you all to keep Bangladesh, our national denominations, and our Church leaders and pastors in your prayer so that the Lord bless the nation with life transformation through them and through the blessed training they have received.

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