Global Galilean Movement Inaugurated, Aims to Train 2 Million Disciple-Makers to Reach 2 Billion People


On March 2, the Galilean Movement was officially launched in the Philippines “with the primary goal to make 2 million disciple makers in order to reach out 2 billion people on earth.” World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) Global Ambassador Bishop Efraim Tendero, who formerly served as WEA’s Secretary General, was inaugurated as the first Executive Director.

“So far there have been numerous movements, but very few global ministries focused on disciple making,” Bp Tendero said, and added: “The Galilean Movement was officially launched from the Victory Christian Fellowship, which became the role model for disciple-making ministry through campus ministry in the Philippines and the most amazing Philippine church for missional church.”

The Galilean Movement, an affiliated ministry of the WEA that also includes several senior leaders of the WEA in its board, is a global catalyst to accelerate the raising up of Christ-like workers for His worldwide harvest. Its vision is Jesus’ vision, which He proclaimed in Galilee: “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few, therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” so that His Great Commission to make disciples of all nations might be fulfilled. (Matt. 9:37-38, 28:18-20) Christ’s “final call” propels the Galilean Movement.

It will serve as a network that conveys vision, knowledge, resources, and proven practices; convenes people to facilitate connections and cultivate trust; collaborates for systemic change on a global scale. And it seeks to do that by conduct consultations at the regional, national, and local level in order to mobilize teams to lead disciple-making efforts. 

The central question that these consultations will address is: What changes are needed to make the raising-up of disciple-makers both the core consciousness and the primary activity of your churches and institutions?

For more information about the Galilean Movement, visit:

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