WEA Accepts Secretary General’s Resignation for Health Reasons


The Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance, Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher, has notified the WEA International Council (its governing body) of his resignation, effective 31st March 2024.

Dr. Schirrmacher has had a long productive relationship with the WEA, its national members and commissions. He has served the WEA for three decades, including as chairman of its Theological Commission and as Associate Secretary General for Theological Concerns. His erudite writings reinforcing biblical truth have been an encouragement to many.

He has also for many years been a prominent defender of Christians and those of other traditions who were persecuted for their faith. This has been a mission of the WEA for the past 178 years, since 1846. We trust that he will continue to be a strong advocate for religious freedom.

For many months, the WEA International Council has realized that Dr Schirrmacher was struggling with health concerns as a result of long COVID, which was particularly concerning in light of his heavy responsibilities as Secretary General. We wish him a full and speedy recovery and pray for God’s healing hand upon him to continue his significant global ministry.

In Its unanimous resolution to accept Dr. Schirrmacher’s resignation, the International Council also agreed to an interim period not exceeding six months during which the Chair of the International Council, Dr Goodwill Shana, will act as executive chair overseeing the current team of two Deputy Secretaries General. This leadership team shall report to the Executive Committee on a regular basis as required. This team will ensure stability, continuity and forward movement in the general operations and relationships that the WEA is engaged in.

During this interim period, the Human Resource Committee (of the International Council) shall initiate a general review process of the Office of the Secretary General, leading to a prescribed selection process for a substantive Secretary General/CEO.

The International Council of the WEA looks to the prayers and support of the WEA family and friends to navigate the road ahead with God’s direction, wisdom and grace.

World Evangelical Alliance

MEDIA CONTACT: for queries please refer to the email address: [email protected]

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