IC asking for prayer for the General Assembly planning and preparation


The WEA’s International Council (IC), at its second meeting of 2025 in Tirana, Albania, considered the recently concluded “Monitoring, Assessing, and Re-assignment” (MAR) process on its ministry programs and also reviewed the recently initiated search process for the new WEA Secretary General, among other things. The IC is pleased to inform you that these very involved and demanding processes are now well underway.

The IC is also very aware of and alert to issues arising from certain publications and communications that seek to cast aspersions on the above-mentioned processes and the preparations for the WEA General Assembly (GA2025) to be held this coming October in South Korea. The IC treats the hosting of the General Assembly as a very significant and historic event that occurs once every six years. It is committed to engaging with the process and with any issues arising from it seriously, prayerfully, judiciously, and with wisdom. The IC will continue to exercise diligent oversight over the GA process through its GA Steering Committee, which works with the Korean Evangelical Fellowship (KEF) and with a number of South Korean churches who form the Seoul Organizing Committee (SOC).

The IC calls upon the WEA family to commit to praying for the General Assembly planning and preparation processes and to give support in any and every way as the Lord leads, so that the GA can be a success and so that its theme, “The Gospel to Everyone by 2033,” can be fulfilled.

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