New York, NY – April 29, 2013
In the light of various controversies about Bible translation, Wycliffe Global Alliance and SIL International approached the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) in March 2012 to independently review their best practice in the translation of “God the Father” and the “Son of God.” The WEA formed an independent Panel that has now concluded its work and issued its report with recommendations for Wycliffe and SIL.
“The WEA agreed to facilitate this independent review because of the vital importance of Bible translation,” said Dr. Geoff Tunnicliffe, Secretary General of the WEA. “We are delighted that this intense review has now been concluded.”
The independent Panel’s mandate was to “review SIL’s translation practices, setting boundaries for theologically acceptable translation methodology particularly in Muslim contexts, and suggesting how to practically implement these recommendations.” The Panel’s mandate was therefore very focused, excluding intense wider debates about contextualization, or Bible translation in majority languages, or any Bible translation by other agencies, churches, or groups. Wycliffe and SIL agreed to abide by any recommendations the Panel made.
In May 2012, the WEA announced that Dr. Robert E. Cooley would chair the Panel. The WEA and Dr. Cooley listed 86 possible Panel members, recommended by the WEA’s Mission Commission, Theological Commission and others. From this pool of scholars, a Panel of 12 was formed at the end of September. The selection criteria included expertise, geographical diversity, gender, and availability.
Meeting in person for the first time in Toronto, Canada, in November, the Panel began its work by identifying translation issues to be studied and translation practices that needed reviewing. The Panel divided into three working groups to focus for the next few months on biblical theology, cross-cultural communication, and reader reception processes.
At a second meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, in early April 2013, the Panel completed its work, which includes ten recommendations to Wycliffe and SIL: about translation methodology, the use of additional literature in ministry to Muslims, and processes for ensuring accuracy and accountability in Bible translation. The 33-page report is available to the public and can be viewed here.
The WEA, having received the report, has now delivered it to Wycliffe and SIL. The WEA and the Panel have therefore now concluded the agreed review and it is the WEA’s expectation that Wycliffe and SIL will implement the report’s recommendations over the coming months. The WEA also challenges Wycliffe and SIL to seek to engage other mission agencies in the global missiological issues raised by the report’s recommendations.
“We would like to thank Wycliffe and SIL for their willingness to submit their practice to this independent jury of experts, and for their commitment to implementing the recommendations of the Panel,” Dr. Tunnicliffe said. “We are also very grateful to Dr. Cooley and all the Panel members for their exemplary work on this important task. We pray that the outcomes of the review will contribute to many people hearing and understanding the Bible’s trinitarian message of deliverance, in their heart language.”
All related previous communications from the WEA as well as the Panel’s final report are available on the WEA’s special webpage on the Bible translation review. Any inquiry related to the implementation of the recommendations should be sent to Wycliffe Global Alliance and/or SIL International.
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Over two billion Christians in the world today are represented by three world church bodies. The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) is one of those, serving and representing more than 600 million evangelicals. Launched in 1846 to unite evangelicals worldwide, the WEA continues to be a dynamic movement with 7 regional and 129 national Evangelical Alliances, and over 150 member organizations. WEA’s mission is to speak as a trusted voice, to equip members and leaders for global impact and to connect its members and others for common action in the furtherance of God’s reign. For more info e-mail at [email protected] or go to]]>

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