Our project has helped strengthen the Bethlehem community through vital support and impactful initiatives. We are proud to stand alongside local leaders in fostering hope and opportunity. Learn more about how we’re making a difference.

The outbreak of war between Israel and Hamas has produced horrible levels of human tragedy, with no end in sight. Many of the world’s 600 million evangelical Christians have wanted to help, but their response has been complicated by divided loyalties, with many Christians on both sides of the war-ravaged border and intensely held political views on each side.
Amidst this unfolding disaster, World Evangelical Alliance has come forward with a balanced, strategic solution that incorporates prayer and action and reflects Christ’s love for all people: send aid to the needy in both Gaza and southern Israel, through their excellent on-the-ground connections in both locations.
A call to united prayer
The tragic conflict in the Holy Land has provoked intense anguish, concern, and equally conflicting responses among evangelical Christians around the world. As an organization that represents evangelicals globally, including those in both Israel and Palestine, the World Evangelical Alliance cannot adopt or endorse a political position, but we know that Jesus calls us to pray for peace and justice. We have attempted to capture that message in this prayer, with which we hope all Christians will unite their hearts.
We encourage you to read, pray, and share it with others.
Sustaining the faithful in the Holy Land
The World Evangelical Alliance is best known for unifying the global evangelical community and giving it a voice at the United Nations, on religious freedom issues, and in relations with other major religious bodies. But it also has an impressive track record of aiding churches to be the hands and feet of God during the time of war. After Russia invaded Ukraine, the WEA raised funds globally and channeled them through local contacts in Ukraine and neighboring nations to which Ukrainians were fleeing.
Now the WEA is drawing on its strong global networks and its emergency relief capacities to deliver humanitarian aid through trusted local partners to those who most need it in Gaza and Israel. For more details on our relief plan, click here.
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