Global Advocacy

Since its formation in 1846, the WEA has been concerned about human rights in general and religious freedom in particular. Over the past years, WEA’s engagement at the United Nations in Bonn, Geneva and New York has gained momentum leading to the creation of the Global Advocacy Department to unite and coordinate these efforts.

United Nations Engagement

Serving a constituency of some 600 million evangelical Christians, the WEA is uniquely positioned to represent an evangelical voice at the United Nations. For more than two decades, the WEA has steadily increased its engagement at the UN promoting peace and reconciliation, advocating for the poor and needy, and also communicating evangelical beliefs and values. The WEA holds Special Consultative Status in the Economic and Social Council of the UN (ECOSOC).

Religious Liberty Advocacy

The WEA Religious Liberty Advocacy (RLA) monitors the religious liberty situation in more than 100 nations, defending persecuted Christians, informing the global Church, challenging believers to pray and giving all possible assistance to those who are suffering. The RLA also makes fact finding trips and meets with governments and ambassadors speaking up for the suffering brothers and sisters. At the United Nations Human Rights Council, the RLA reports about the situation and arranges special hearings with Christians from countries under pressure.

Religious Freedom Research

The International Institute for Religious Freedom (IIRF) is a network of professors, researchers, academics, specialists and university institutions from all continents which work on reliable data on the violation of religious freedom worldwide and want to implement this topic to college and university programs and curricula, especially in the areas of law, sociology, religious studies and theological programs.

Meet Our Leadership Team

Kyle Wisdom

Global Advocacy

John J. Girgis

Permanent Representative
United Nations in New York

Gaetan Roy

Permanent Representative
United Nations in Geneva

Matthias Boehning

Permanent Representative
United Nations in Bonn

Dr. David Boan

Permanent Representative
World Health Organization

Dr. Dennis P. Petri

International Director
Int'l Institute for Religious Freedom

Godfrey Yogarajah

Global Ambassador for Religious Freedom

Dr. Chris Elisara

Executive Director
Creation Care Task Force

Global Advocacy

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