NCEASL Incident Update (Feb 7, 2006)

National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL)

Incident update – Pastor threatened with death

Dutch Reformed Church, Galle (Galle District)
6th February 2006

Dutch Reformed Church, Galle (Galle District)At approximately 11 am in the morning, a man arrived at the Dutch reformed Church in Galle, on a motor cycle, looking for the Pastor in charge. The Pastor was not in at this time, only the care take and the Pastor’s wife were there. The man made verbal threats, that if the Pastor visited the area of Hikkaduwa (Galle District) again, they will cut off his limbs and kill him. The man continued to make obscene and derogatory statements against Jesus Christ and Christians.
The Dutch Reformed Church in Galle is one of the oldest Churches in Sri Lanka, built over 300 years ago.

There is information that anti-Christian elements in the Galle District have made a list of prominent Christian clergymen from various denominations. This raises questions as to whether the above situation is an isolated incident or the beginning of a plot to unleash a wider circle of violence.

Werellana, Hikkaduwa (Galle District)
January 2006
In a previous related incident, Christians in the village of Werellana in Hikkaduwa received 2 threatening letters, with threats to kill the Dutch Reformed Church Pastor and the Christians in the village if the Pastor visited then again for services and prayer.
A Police entry has been made in this regard.
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