Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka


In the last seven weeks over 60 civilians were killed, isolated incidents/ attacks in several districts in North East caused damages to civilian properties. Reliable reports confirm that over 1500 families have been displaced from their homes out of fear in Trincomalee District. The proposed peace talk in Switzerland has been rejected by the LTTE due to security reasons.

Prayer Points:

Pray for the families who lost their loved once. Pray that the responsible authorities will take necessary action to protect the civilizations. Ask God to protect displaced families who have lost their homes, families, and possessions. Pray that a real peace agreement would be reached and that all parties would be serious about implementing it.

Pray that strong local churches will be raised up to respond to the affected communities, healing the wounds, and to be the voice of the oppressed.

Especially in the North East Tsunami recovery activities have come to a halt due to the unrest situation in the country. Pray for God’s guidance and wisdom for those who are involved in Tsunami recovery activities.

Pray for the National Reconciliation Conference (April 26 -28) organized by the NCEASL to deliberate on the national and ethnic issues of the country. The grass root church leaders will take part in this conference, pray for God’s intervention to guide facilitators – Let the church to be the catalyst of reconciliation in Sri Lanka.

Praise God for the Catamaran project in Jaffna, 25 families were supported through this project as Tsunami livelihood recovery programme. Pray that the fishing restriction will be removed by the military, for people to return to their livelihood efforts.

Due to present situation in the country Alliance Development Trust, Tsunami housing projects are facing serious delays; affected families are still living in transitional shelters. Pray that situation to become normal and speedy implementation of the housing project.

Remember all the staff members who are serving in the conflict areas, for God’s protection, provision and grace.

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