WEA Youth Commission News – June 2006


WEA Youth Commission News

June, 2006

Hello Friends!

This WEA Youth Commission News includes current youth commission reports, upcoming dates for your calendar, and several interesting WEA press releases.

WEA Youth Commission Updates:

Africa from Solomon Gacece: “Please pray for the Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA) and Sports Outreach Kenya (SOK) as they make final preparations for KidsGames to be held in Nakuru Town from 11th to 18th June 2006. A total of 5000 children under 14 years old will participle in the games programme. On Sunday 18th June the Churches in the Town will send their children and invite others for a Rally with 10,000 children participating. As the games will take place during the Football World Cup, one of the main activities will be ‘Penalty Shooting.’ Churches have been made aware of the outreach during the World Cup and some have held worship services with the World Cup focus for effective ministry. Pray for the Youth Pastors who are actively involved as well as the parents to those children.”

Africa from Etienne Piek of the Global Day of Prayer committee: ”Around the globe we had 198 nations who had officially registered to participate, but we trust that there was definitely more. The involvement of youth in 195 of these countries was just awesome! Though we did not do the “Whole Night” this year, there were many youth prayer gatherings with intense and radical worship, the 24/7 Boiler Room focus and a much stronger focus on the Day of Compassion, getting young people into the streets to serve their communities. The reports are coming in now and it is so encouraging to hear what God is doing in nations like , , , and many others.

We had an awesome day in with Christians from 624 towns and villages praying at more than 800 venues. It was also amazing to see the involvement of the youth. We had one youth event in Cape Town with 3000 young people. It was an awesome night of radical worship and intercession, this generation crying out to God for the healing of the nations. Together with this we had more than 200 Boiler Rooms running in our country for 10 Days leading up to Pentecost Sunday. Kids in more than 1,000 schools did the 30-Second Kneel Down and thousands were involved and still are in different Compassion outreaches in their communities.

Europe from Grahame Knox: Greetings from sunny Manchester . As you know, I now have three part time ‘associates’ working alongside me. Jussi is one. Please pray for a couple more, specifically in eastern and southern Europe . The annual European Youth Forum is scheduled for 17-21 October in Warsaw , alongside the EEA General Assembly.

“Our volunteering programme, linked to the European Union Youth Action Programme, is beginning to take shape. We’re working with seven countries to develop youth leader cross-cultural exchanges and training. In September we begin several placements in , , and the . We’re also developing placements in , and , hopefully for the beginning of 2007.

“The new 20-session training course for church youth workers ‘Foundations in Christian Youth Work’ is underway. We’re especially focusing on nations which receive little in training resources and where we can best support the national youth networks. I’m just about to complete our first course in Athens , which has gone really well. Later in the year we take the programme to and , and I’m talking with several other nations to use the course in 2007.”

from Shavez Williams (EFI Youth Commission Coordinator): We had over 70 Youth Leaders mainly from states of Karnataka, Maharashtra , Haryana & some from Delhi . God showed his favour on us and we had an excellent consultancy programme. I am looking forward to arranging another Youth Leader’s Forum in Nagaland, North East of India from the 1-4 October. Please do pray for the arrangements and the leaders’ cooperation for the event! We have also appointed leadership for our Youth Commission in New Delhi . We are planning a youth event later in the year and a Youth Leaders Forum in February 2007.”

from Donovan Thomas: The Global Day of Prayer was an exciting event again this year in . All six umbrella group of churches agreed to participate. Over 90 schools signed up to participate in GDOP school focus on June 2. The Minister of Education and Youth endorsed this day of prayer in schools which is called “Bless My School Day.” A Pastors and Church leaders Forum was held on Friday, June 2.”

from Jorge Zuniga: The Costa Rican network in San Jose is in an exciting process of growth. Fifteen to 20 youth ministry leaders are meeting monthly to build unity, relationships, and a strategic plan. Jorge is meeting this week with the president of a seminary in to discuss the possibility of offering a degree in youth ministry. If approved, this will be one of the first youth ministry degrees offered in Latin America .

South Pacificfrom Graham Sercombe: On May 9-11, Graham met with young people from the South Pacific to seek the face of God regarding the commencement of a new regional youth network and movement. This means a new name with a new vision and a new mandate to develop and grow a new youth network in the region that will enable young people to work together for the advancement of the Kingdom of God locally, regionally and globally. As you know this has been a time of great unsettledness due to the reconfigurations due to various divisions. Praise God that the Youth Commission is still active, reforming and moving ahead.

North America from Paul Fleischmann: The 17th annual Youth Ministry Executive Council gathered in Washington DC May 2-4 to discuss the topic: “Youth Ministry and the Church of the Future.” It drew the largest and most influential group of youth ministry and denominational heads yet, and the response was overwhelmingly positive. I wish you could have been there to see the fervent prayer times at the ends of both evenings. Seeing the leaders of the nation’s youth ministries, some on their knees and faces, passionately pleading with God to do a work in us and in our young people—it was very moving. The event was preceded by a first-ever Denominational Leaders Youth Summit , gathering the leaders of 15 denominations. They emerged with a joint statement to the church that they feel will advance youth ministry in the church at large, if followed.

North America from Canadian Youth Network newsletter: Peace Tower clock stops for the first time at . ‘s most famous clock stopped early Wednesday, May 24th morning, for the first time since it was installed on the 92-meter tall Peace Tower 25 years ago. The hands of the four clocks that adorn each side of the Peace Tower ground to a halt at after a small electrical relay malfunctioned. The carillon of 53 bells is timed to chime every quarter-hour. It’s controlled by a mechanism connected to the now-kaput clock. As most of you know Psalm 72:8 is the scripture that is engraved on the Peace Tower which declares, “He will have dominion from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth.” This is also the scripture that our founding Fathers chose in 1867 when they decided to name the “Dominion of Canada,” as in, Jesus Christ will have dominion from sea to sea. The Holy Spirit is clearly confirming that God is serious about honouring the righteous foundations of this nation. Pray the Dream of God for will come to pass in our day!

SKYPE – Free Long Distance Calling!

We are asking everyone to sign up for SKYPE in order to improve our communications. Our goal is to have a Youth Commission Conference Call soon! Here are the numbers that we have so far. Please send us yours ASAP. If you don’t have it yet, just go to www.skype.com for free download and directions.

Paul Fleischmann: paulfleischmann

Donovan Thomas: donovanyfc

Jussi Miettinen: miettju

Graham Sercombe: sercombe-upstairs

Future WEA Youth Commission dates:

We are still planning a Caribbean Youth Leaders Consultation in , 18-20 January. In order to maximize our opportunities, we are proposing the following schedule for our next WEA Youth Commission meeting.

Saturday, 13 January Arrive in Orlando, FL

Sunday-Monday, 14-15 January Youth Commission Meeting

Monday-Wed, 15-17 January Youth Missions Forum

Wed, 17 January Travel to Montego Bay,

Thurs-Sat, 18-20 January Caribbean Consultation

Sunday, 21 January Travel home

We want to be sure that you have these proposed dates. We may not need everyone to go to . Please let us know how this looks to you so that we can put together the most cost-effective and productive use of our time.

WEA Press Releases:

WEA Mission Commission — Catalyzing and Connecting the Global Church

World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) announces the 10th Mission Commission International Convocation, “Global Issues Summit” in , June 18-24, 2006 (SA06). As in each of the MC’s previous global consultations, SA06 is a by-invitation event. Three hundred participants are expected from over 50 nations. SA06 underscores three unique features:

§ This is the first time The MC meets as a global body in Africa . It expresses the MC’s commitment to serve the missional work in and from this great continent.

§ This is the first international convocation since the MC completed a re-envisioning process in 2004, and continues to grapple with the implications for our global network which seeks to address the challenges of mission in and for the 21st Century.

§ The South Africa consultation marks a historic moment of leadership transition. After 20 years at the helm of the MC, current Executive Director, Dr. Bill Taylor, hands over the direction of Mission Commission to Mr. Bertil Ekström of .

The MC convenes a global consultation every three years for mutual encouragement and greater understanding of the mission enterprise around the globe. Delegates examine global issues and challenges, plan their joint work and strategies, and foster the in-depth relationships without which the MC could not function. These consultations are issues-centered events with a strong training and planning component. While plenary sessions will focus on various global issues, MC networks and task forces engaged in equipping and planning activities.

The primary themes of the consultation include, HIV/AIDS and its challenges, Holistic mission, African mission models, Religious encounters and religious freedom, and Leadership transition. Daily Bible readings will be shared by Bishop Zac Niringiye of .


One of the most effective ways to share the gospel in South Asian countries where Christians are heavily persecuted is to demonstrate Christian love and to show a new way of living, participants at the annual World Evangelical Alliance Religious Liberty Commission meeting concluded.

The May 19-20 conference in Bangkok, featured a round table discussion on religious liberty in Asia , with attendants from , , , , , and .

Reports from all these countries revealed that the church is growing despite a strong resistance to the gospel, and that an effective way of evangelizing is living out the truth. A representative from , for example, indicated that many joined the Christian churches saying, “We see you live a totally new life and it really appeals to us.”

Commission members also made plans for the future and talked about issues like the WEA‘s involvement in the UN, the need to have an Institute on Religious Liberty in Europe, the problem of information overload, the growth of radical Islam, the isolation of evangelicals in society, the strong anti-Christian trends in Europe, and statements by “evangelicals” that do not represent the views of the WEA.

Hopefully, this gives you an informative and encouraging update about what is happening around the world among your colleagues and partners in cooperative ministry. Have a great day. Please keep us updated so we can keep praying for each other.

Paul Fleischmann and Daryl Nuss

WEA Youth Commission

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