Update on Evangelical Pastor Youcef Nadarkhan



"Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations"  Isaiah 56:7  

Update on Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani

Iran has put off the execution of Christian Pastor Yousof Nadarkhani — probably in response to massive international pressure — but it is not clear for how long.


  • People are looking for an anchored Truth, "so there's hunger for the Gospel. There's an openness for the Gospel. And the Church is growing at a rate that is really mind-boggling."
  • Ask the Lord to uphold and sustain Youcef, his wife, and their two children. Pray that this family may soon be reunited. Pray for Youcef's legal team and all those in authority connected with this case.
  • Pray that the Body of Christ will continue to multiply and mature despite persecution.

INcontext Ministries tells the full story
29 February 2012

An Israeli press report is stating that Iran has put off the execution of brother Youcef. We are working to confirm this information. It states that Youcef was set to be executed today and that they have delayed it. But they have not said how long it has been delayed. Please continue to pray, tweet and contact your government officials.

If this is a fact then Iran has done two things; 1. They have acknowledged that he is under the death sentence for apostasy. 2. They have acknowledge that an execution order was signed.

But it only states that the execution was delayed not cancelled. We need to continue to earnestly pray. They did not announce that the execution was to take place today so they may execute him any other day since they state it was merely delayed. Please pray and pass the word to others to do the same.

So that you are aware of the grace of God, we can tell you that Youcef and his family are both doing well. They are remaining faithful to Christ and standing strong in Him.

In Christ,
Jason DeMars
Present Truth Ministries

Global Day of Prayer
27 May 2012

10  Days of 24/7 Prayer 
1     Day of United Prayer 
90  Days of Blessing


“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place” – Acts 2 : 1

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