Enlarge the Place of Your Tent (Newsletter from the CWC)


“Clear lots of ground for your tents! Make your tents large. Spread out! Think big! You’re going to take over whole nations and resettle abandoned cities.”
Isaiah 54:2-4. (The Message)

As you read the following pages you will realize this growth is already taking shape in every region of the world. The leaders are pouring out their hearts to bring change into the lives of the suffering, exploited and helpless. They are working diligently, thinking big, spreading out into their nations, teaching and empowering women to make a difference in their communities. But there is more to it than hard work. PRAYER is the power that makes the difference.

Did you ever consider the strong, emphatic adjectives flowing through the scriptures describing prayer? Effectual. Fervent. Prevailing. Ceaseless. Without Doubt. Unwavering. Loyal. Humble. Agreeing. United. Continuing night and day. The list is too long to continue but these words describe how God has called us to pray and intercede for growth in the Kingdom of God.

As I write today, I ask myself, “How many of these words describe my praying? Do my prayers make a difference?”

A few weeks ago, five global intercessors gathered in my home for prayer. We held in our hands a beautiful globe and together embraced every region of the world. God’s Presence filled the room as fervent, believing and prevailing prayers were lifted up to the Father.

As a Partner in Faith through prayer, will you join me in making a new commitment to increase our effectiveness in intercession?

Whether in twos, threes or in secret prayer, may our prayers be effectual, fervent, prevailing and full of faith. Will you join us?

Rev. Eileen Stewart-Rhude
Executive Director
Commission on Women's Concerns

> Read the Spring Newsletter from the WEA Commission on Women's Concerns (CWC)



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