Syrians need our Prayers





"Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations"
Isaiah 56:7  

In the midst of pain, they find God

From our believing brothers and sisters in Damascus, needing our prayers came this prayer request.
Will you join us in praying for all those in Syria and elsewhere suffering under violence and trusting in Jesus to keep them….pray especially for those who do not yet have hope in Jesus after this life! So many still need to know His love!
Ethne Prayer Partners

Dear Friends,
Many of you heard about the bombing that happened, yesterday morning in Damascus, Syria. It was on one of the streets we walk through daily and it's very close to our home. The home of one of the families in our church burned to the ground and other friend's houses were burned to the ground too.
Early that morning, right after the bombing, my Dad took off to the hospital and prayed with almost all the wounded and their families, Muslim and other. Many received the message of hope, realized the power of the grace of God and accepted Him as their Savior. The guarantee of eternal life through the Cross, is the great HOPE and encouragement we seize in midst of pain! For "He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain." Rev. 21:4


  • Please pray that Many will hear the truth and accepted
  • Pray that God will change the heart of those extremist who are coming to Damascus from other Muslim countries to fight. Pray that they will leave Syria with the message of the Gospel. Just like Paul, as he was heading to Damascus to persecute the Christian but later he left Damascus with the Gospel of hope.
  • Pray for those who are being persecuted for their faith

In Him

Undisclosed Source

Brutality in Syria creates humanitarian crisis

Mission News Network
– 19 March 2012

The crisis in Syria has created a flood of refugees. According to the United Nations, the number fleeing the regime's wrath has risen by several thousand in the past few days and now tops 34,000.

Their most recent numbers show that hundreds of thousands are thought to be displaced within Syria. Bill Bray with Christian Aid Mission says, "Almost every day, we're getting new reports of increasing numbers of refugees and increasing sacrifice being made by the Christian community in the surrounding countries to reach out."

Most of the poor refugees, made up of nominal Christian and other minorities, are fleeing to neighboring countries where the reception has been chilly. "They are trying to contain the refugee crisis, and displaced persons within Syria and not welcoming them across their borders. All the borders are mined and armed–protected. They don't want a huge rush of refugees from Syria coming into their countries.
"God uses times of crisis to soften hearts to the gospel," added the Christian Aid staff spokesman. "This may be a time of harvest among Muslim and Christian refugees. God is sovereign. He cares for Muslims. Countries in the Middle East are going through great upheaval. Now many Muslims are turning to Christ. Maybe the long turmoil in Syria is God's way of bringing this about."


  • Pray for strength for the Christian community and wisdom in dealing with the government and local police officials. A lot of these people are illegal immigrants, they're undocumented; there are no jobs for them so we need to pray for the Christian community as they try to integrate these refugees into their churches and into the community."
  • Pray for continued open doors for the Gospel.
  • Pray that God will cause seeds of the Gospel to grow.
  • Ask God to provide the resources for this response.

Read the full article HERE

The majority of the population are Muslims, although Christians do have some freedom to meet together and worship. The government monitors the activities of all religious groups and discourages proselytism. Syria is number 36 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2012 of the world's worst persecutors of Christians
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