Global Day Of Prayer Newsletter: Pray for the Nations



“Therefore let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good.” 1 Peter 4:19

Join us at the WORLD PRAYER ASSEMBLY,  14 – 18 May 2012 – Jakarta Indonesia

Register for the GLOBAL OUTREACH DAY, 2 June 2012

In this issue:

  • Global Day of Prayer for North Korea – 15 April 2012
  • 3 weeks of Prayer for France  7 – 29 April 2012
  • 1 Week of Prayer for Mauritania – 2012

Global Day of Prayer for North Korea – 15 April 2012

Arise, warriors of God!

Open Doors invites you to pray and fast for North Korea on the 15th of April 2012!

On the 15th of April, the 100th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il-Sung, the founder of North Korea, will be celebrated. This will most probably be a lavish national celebration, with sumptuous dinners being arranged, to which international guests will be invited… All this will take place despite the fact that between two and three million people have died of hunger and that hundreds of thousands of prisoners are being held in infamous labour camps, including scores of discovered Christians.

Because of this, Open Doors calls on Christians worldwide to participate in a global day of prayer and fasting on Kim Il-Sung’s birthday on the 15th of April.

According to the US department of State, North Korea has one of the largest armies in the world. Its active duty military force is estimated to number 1.2 million.1

As God’s children we are part of His army and His army far outnumbers any force on earth. The Lord has given us the most effective weapon in the fight against the forces of spiritual darkness – prayer. So on the 15th of April, we would like to fight on behalf of our brothers and sisters in North Korea by fasting and lifting them up in prayer and asking the Lord to intervene in this nation.

To watch and pray with us, please click here

“Listen, a noise on the mountains, like that of a great multitude! Listen, an uproar among the kingdoms, like nations massing together! The LORD Almighty is mustering an army for war.” (Isaiah 13:4 NIV)


  • For freedom and justice under the new leadership of Kim Jong-Un.
  • Give thanks for the aid that Open Doors and other Christian NGOs can offer.
  • Pray for the safety of North Korean Christians escaping to China.

      3 Weeks of Prayer for France 7 – 29 April 2012

Twelve years ago Objectif France began mobilizing intercessors to pray for France to awaken, in order for it to enter into its destiny, to be able to testify with the power of God’s love.

Our perseverance has not been in vain: in twelve years, the spiritual atmosphere in France has changed and a thirst for God has increased.  The Christians are not inactive: we see houses of prayer and adoration opening with a perspective of 24/24; a generation is rising up in the country, full of passion for Jesus and a desire to serve Him.  The Church is rediscovering the love for the Kingdom of God!

With intercessors from about 70 countries receiving our guide (translated into English), join us in our desire to blow in the fire of revival.  Together, from April 7th to the 29th, we call France, “its admirable light” with a strong manifestation of His Kingdom and His Justice.

To get the prayer guide:

–  In English, it can be downloaded for free from the website:

–  In French, and we hope in Spanish, it can be ordered on:

Source:  Objectif France

Week of Prayer for Mauritania   9 – 15 April 2012

The week of April 9 – 15 has been designated by a number of prayer networks as week of prayer for Mauritania.  We'd like to encourage all who have a heart for Mauritania and its people to organize prayer gatherings for Mauritania during that week.  Prayer topics for each day of that week will be sent out by April 3.  There will be 3 days of intensive prayer and fasting April 12 – 14.

Please pray for the Lord's help and grace in all the preparation for this dedicated time of prayer for Mauritania, and that He would raise up many intercessors around the world to pray for Mauritania and its people throughout 2012 and beyond.

In recent weeks, a number of individuals who pray regularly for Mauritania have sensed the Lord urging prayer for humility, confession, repentance and unity on three levels:

1.  among all those who are committed to praying for it     

That we would guard our hearts and be quick to confess any sin or seek forgiveness and work to restore broken relationships so that nothing would hinder our prayers.  We sense the most important preparation for the week of prayer in April is our own humility, purity and right relationship with the Lord and one another.

2.  among believers in Mauritania

May the Lord pour out His grace and kindness in the lives of believers in Mauritania, leading them to recognize, confess and repent of any sin in their lives, including deeply entrenched sins that are "strongholds" in the culture – including love of money, pride, deception or manipulation, racism, occult practices, sexual sin.  Pray for healing of divisions and unity among believers.  Pray for God's "rain" in their lives, softening hard hearts and refreshing and renewing those who are weary and dry.

Key Scriptures for the above two prayer topics:
James 5:16;  Rom 2:4;  2 Cor 7:9-10;  Ps 68:7-9;  1 Pet 3:7-12;  I Jn 1:5-10  

3.  Prayer for conviction of sin, confession and repentance within the country as a whole:        

In studying the ministry of John the Baptist, we are reminded that before Jesus began His ministry, there was a large movement of confession of sins and repentance throughout Judea and Jerusalem.  John was called to "prepare the way" for Jesus to come, and calling people to confession was a key part of that preparation.  Pray for God to pour out the Holy Spirit in Mauritania, convicting Mauritanians of their sin and helping them recognize that they are sick, in need of a savior to heal and restore and reconcile them to God.

Key Scriptures:
Mark 1:1-8;  Luke 7:27-30;  Mark 2:16-17;  Malachi 3:1-3;  John 16:7-11

Source:  Undisclosed

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