Global Day of Prayer Newsletter: The GDOP Strategy 10 – 1 – 90


For the last 7 years we have found inspiration for the Global Day of Prayer in the three parts of the birth of the Church (Acts 1 – 2)

  • TEN days of constant prayer leading to Pentecost;
  • ONE day of prayer witnessed by the whole city;
  • and DAYS of blessing that followed.

For these reasons, the Global Day of Prayer has three key elements.

Ten days of Constant Prayer:
On Ascension Day, millions of Christians will find ways to pray night and day throughout the ten days leading to Pentecost, following the pattern of Christ's followers before the first Pentecost.

A Prayer Guide will focus on the Holy Spirit – a promise from the Father

The Global Day of Prayer:
On Pentecost Sunday, Christians in almost every country will assemble to pray.  Many will gather in small groups such as prayer groups, homes, local churches, businesses and some may even assemble in large stadiums and other public venues. In some places, television, radio and internet will help to connect and align our prayers even more.  Once again the Body of Christ will be united by a Prayer for the World.  

Ninety Days of Blessing:
As in the first Pentecost, transformed Christians transform their communities as they offer themselves to God as instruments through which their prayers can be answered. This is where prayer becomes a lifestyle.

A 90 Day prayer guide is available which will focus on Missions, evangelism and outreach to the Least Reached Peoples of the world.

All around the world there is a feeling that 2012 is very significant in the Spiritual realm.  It seems as if the concurrent streams of prayer, mission and justice are uniting on different platforms and through different initiatives. The ultimate focus remains the gathering of the harvest amongst every tongue and tribe and nation.

We believe that this is the reason why God has worked behind the scenes to unite three key ministry streams around this year’s GDOP.

Just before the GDOP, thousands of prayer leaders from all around the world will gather in Indonesia at the WORLD PRAYER ASSEMBLY -14 – 18 May 2012,  to celebrate decades of breakthroughs through prayer and to seek His face for these critical times. It is during this time together that the 10 Days of Prayer will kick off on 17 May 2012. 

Shortly after the WPA, the nations will once again unite in repentance and prayer on 27 May 2012 for the GLOBAL DAY OF PRAYER.

The 90 Days of Blessing will see the launch of the GLOBAL OUTREACH DAY – 2 June 2012, where the nations will be challenged to GO and gather the harvest!

It is no coincidence that God is tying the strings of prayer and evangelism together in this way — He is positioning His church for a time and season such as this!

This is an invitation to you, your prayer group, your local Church, your community, your city/town or your entire nation to join this great opportunity and to see “the glory of the knowledge of the Lord cover the earth as the waters cover the sea” (Hab. 2:14)

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