AMG International: Pastor Training in Uganda


For many years Jim & Drew Everett have been traveling to Uganda for a few months and use their talents and God given abilities to serve Him.  Jim builds school desks and tables for Upendo Christian Academy and Drew teaches God’s Word to the children living at the orphanage.  During their time in Uganda Jim & Drew are able to build relationships with the people living nearby and share Christ’s message of hope.

A few years ago Ruben, AMG Uganda director, asked if Jim & Drew would do pastor training.  There are many rural pastors all over Uganda who are in desperate need of sound Biblical training.  Read Drew’s account of this year’s training:


Our weekend teaching pastors was marvelous beyond words and hopefully a great beginning to a beautiful relationship with these men.  Jimmy and I drove several hours and spent a couple of nights in Kinoni town with Reuben, our National Director joining us for the first two hours to introduce his new concept of grassroots pastor training.  In a nutshell: Americans often come to Uganda for big conferences with many pastors and yet Reuben knows that this method has not achieved much because it does not get close enough to  helping the rural /village pastors and their accompanying needs.  Some of those attending such conferences come to these only for the food and friendship.  Others want to learn, but this type of conference is too high level for rural pastors and much is not understood even with translators.  Only the most educated pastors benefit which are quite few.   Reuben recently proposed a reverse method as a way of reaching those 85% of pastors in the rural areas.  Reuben’s method involves intensively working with only a few at a time over a several year period, and also training them to participate teaching in their own zonal conferences, compared to the national conferences which are for the “expert builders" in the ministry.  

Please pray for the Everetts and their ministry in Uganda.  Also, keep these pastors in your thoughts and prayers.  Pray that more would be willing to travel overseas and train these pastors.

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