Pray for current concerns regarding World Prayer Assembly – May 14-18, 2012



"Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations" Isaiah 56:7  

World Prayer Assembly just 4 weeks away

As you are aware, the World Prayer Assembly will be hosted in Jakarta, Indonesia 14 – 18 May 2012.

Those who are organizing the WPA believe that God is going to use it to carry revival and transformation to the nations like a tsunami wave of the Spirit. There are clear signs that this spiritual tsunami is building in Indonesia already:

  • Several million believers in 350+ cities in Indonesia will participate in the WPA on May 17 through a live TV link.
  • 20,000 praying children and 20,000 on-fire youth will be praying with us in the national stadium plus many tens of thousands more young people in cities across Indonesia in a truly tri-generational event.
  • The unity of Christ's church in Indonesia is deepening in conjunction with the WPA through the adoption of joint ministry strategies within Indonesia like the "My Home" Project in which up to 15 million local Christians will adopt their streets in prayer and then reach out in loving service to their neighbors.
  • Many there and elsewhere increasingly feel that the WPA will be a "New Wave–a New Pentecost" that will benefit the global Body of Christ.

You will not want to miss being part of this great prayer revival that the Lord will use to rock our world for His glory! If you are unable to come to Jakarta, you can still participate by prayer from where you are, and some of the WPA will be carried on the internet through the God TV website so you can see it.

For more information contact [email protected]


Please pray for the current concerns:

  • There has been a wave of late registrations almost doubling the total of what we had before. That is the good news for which to rejoice. A continuing concern is that the great majority have not paid their registration fees and hotel costs yet which could become a serious problem for the Indonesian hosts. Please pray that the registrants will be moved by the Lord to pay as soon as possible.
  • We applied for about 100 speaker's visa approvals three months ago and have been waiting for them to be processed. Please pray for His favor with Indonesian immigration and other government authorities for the WPA and that the remaining visa approvals will be granted quickly and that all our speakers will be able to then apply and get their visas without any problem and in time to come to Jakarta.
  • Pray for His anointing and guidance for all the speakers, session facilitators and worship leaders so they will know how to provide sensitive and effective leadership.
  • Pray too that all the participants will be spiritually prepared and that we will consecrate ourselves to the Lord before coming to Indonesia so that we will be ready to play our part and so that the Lord can manifest His presence to the maximum and fully accomplish all His purposes through the WPA.
  • The WPA office in Jakarta and the national committee members there are under increasing pressure with so many details concerning logistics, ground transport and accommodations to arrange for such a large group coming from around the world. Pray for His special grace, love, strength and unity as they work on these things together and that they will feel His arms surrounding and upholding them every day and hour as all the final preparations are being made.

Indonesia is number 43 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2012 of the world's worst persecutors of Christians.
Only 6 religions are officially recognized: Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Catholicism and Protestantism. Islam's strength and influence in numbers and power allow it to exert itself on the religious scene, giving itself preferential treatment and limiting Christian activities and public presence.

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