God’s People are Sharing God’s Heart Right Across the Globe – Joel Edwards


Forget Lady Gaga – God's people are sharing God's heart right across the globe, says Joel Edwards, Director of Micah Challenge International.

Pop star Lady Gaga has yet again hit the world headlines after her planned gig was cancelled. But the real story in Indonesia has more far reaching implications. And it is good news for those who care about what God cares about. I'm one of 9,000 Christians in that nation right now for the World Prayer Assembly, talking about all sorts of issues including how we can help victims of the evils of extreme poverty.

Of course there is a fair amount of prayer going on. It is talk, plans and prayer that will kickstart something monumental regarding issues of justice and mercy across the world. Lady Gaga has 1.4 million followers on Twitter, yet these 9,000 Christian leaders in Indonesia collectively have far wider influence than any pop star. These Christians will take something of inspiration back to all parts of the globe. Inspiration about the power of prayer in cities, business places and prisons that works for the common good.

Participants can 'infect' their congregations with hearts that are alive for God, and also share God's heart – Jesus' agenda – which is a passion for the poor. This week our Micah Challenge team are also at the HTB Conference in London where 4,300 leaders have gathered from 51 nations. The conference heard from those with a burden for issues on God's heart such as Rick Warren's P.E.A.C.E. plan and Christine Caine's inspirational anti-human trafficking campaign.

This is positive news for us to share and Tweet to Christians everywhere. God is alive and changing lives across the world. And God's people are sharing God's heart right across the globe.

Joel Edwards is a Director for Micah Challenge International, an Initiative of the WEA, and a regular broadcaster with the BBC. He is also a former commissioner with the Equality and Human Rights Commission in the UK.


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