Global Prayer Resource Network: Pray for Christians in Egypt



Global Prayer Resource Network

The recent election of Muslim Brotherhood candidate Muhammad Morsi as president of Egypt has increased fears among Christians there.

According to BE-A-VOICE-NETWORK, the recent election of Muslim Brotherhood candidate Muhammad Morsi as president of Egypt has increased fears among Christians there.
At a May 1 rally for Morsi, Muslim cleric Safwat Higaza ledthe crowd in a frenzied chant. Higaza promised a new Islamic Caliphate under Morsi, with its capital in Jerusalem. He led the crowd in a repeated chant of, "Come you lovers of martyrdom; you are Hamas (violence)."

In response to Morsi's election, a Voice of the Martyrs contact said, "Christians are expecting more terrible suffering now in Egypt…. We are praying for Christians to put their hope in the Almighty, not the man; whoever he is! God reminded me of the verse in Psalm 11:3, 'If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?' This is what we really feel, that the foundations are destroyed. But then the answer was found in the next verse: 'The
LORD is in His holy temple.' "

Source: Memri TV, VOM Contacts

Please Pray!

This is disturbing news not only for Egyptian Christians but also for Israel. As the Muslim saying goes, "First Saturday, then comes Sunday" (first the Jews, then the Christians). Please remember Christians in Egypt and Israel, and throughout the Middle East. Pray that a spiritual revival will sweep through nations that are hostile to the gospel.

"Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us! For we are exceedingly filled with contempt. Our soul is exceedingly filled with the scorn of those who are at ease, with the contempt of the proud." Psalm 123:3-4

VOM assists Christians in Egypt through the VOMedical fund, Families of Prisoners fund, Christian radio broadcasts and discipleship training for former Muslims.

Christian Coptic women abducted and forced to convert to Islam in EGYPT

A recent report published by Christian Solidarity International (CSI) revealed the growing concern over frequent abductions and forced conversion of Christians in Egypt since the public uprising that ousted President Hosni Mubarak in early 2011.

The report titled 'Tell My Mother I Miss Her' exposed that "Coptic women and girls are deceptively lured or abducted into forced marriages with Muslim men." It was also reported that such actions occurred after the women were threatened or physically abused. READ MORE

Prayer points:

  • Please pray for the protection over all Christian Coptic women in Egypt
  • Pray for guidance that all Christian women would be enabled to protect themselves from such dangers
  • Pray for those committing these senseless acts, that they would repent and come to know the love of our Lord Jesus Christ

Source: WEA Religious Liberty Commission

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