Interview with Blessed Earth


Interviewed by WEA's Membership Department

  1. Could you briefly describe your organization?

Blessed Earth is an educational nonprofit that inspires and equips Christians to become better stewards of the earth. Through church, campus, and media outreach, we build bridges that promote measurable environmental change and meaningful spiritual growth. Begun by Dr. Matthew Sleeth, an emergency room physician, and his wife, Nancy, a college professor, Blessed Earth has grown exponentially. Over the past five years, the Sleeths have spoken at over 1,000 church, campus, and community events. Blessed Earth seeks to change the dialogue of the evangelical church in America, and then worldwide, by spreading the biblical mandate for creation care stewardship.

Through a program called Creation Care Year we partner with influential churches across America to dig deeply into a wide range of stewardship topics. In this historic first year, Blessed Earth is partnering with The National Cathedral in Washington, DC, to offer sermons, forums, small group studies, lectures, panels, and creation care models that can be used by churches throughout the country.

Our Seminary Stewardship Alliance (SSA) brings together seminary leaders who covenant to teach, preach, model, and hold each other accountable for good stewardship practices. Serving as a powerful catalyst for change, the Alliance helps prepare the future pastors of our 300,000 houses of worship to take a leadership role in caring for God’s creation.

  1. Why do you think is important to be a member of WEA?

Becoming a member of WEA allows Blessed Earth to join with worldwide organizations that promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe becoming a member of the WEA will allow us to collaborate with and encourage other organizations in their work.

  1. How can your organization contribute to WEA mission to be a voice, to connect and to equip evangelical community?

Blessed Earth is a national leader in the creation care movement, and it is our hope we will contribute to the WEA mission by adding our voice to the conversation. Through our numerous speaking platforms, our books we publish, the conferences we host, and the networks we develop, we will promote the ideas of the WEA and the Gospel.

  1. What are the areas/fields for future cooperation and partnership with WEA?

Blessed Earth is seeking to further internationalize our Seminary Stewardship Alliance. Thus, we look to partner with WEA organizations as a means to connect with seminaries worldwide. Also, WEA has a strong creation care focus. Blessed Earth’s mandate of preaching and teaching the Biblical call for creation care will further reinforce the WEA’s creation care goal.

Blessed Earth became an Associate Member of the World Evangelical Alliance in 2012. For more information about Blessed Earth, visit:

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