WEA Leader Interviews Nepal’s National Alliance Leader on COVID19 Pandemic [VIDEO]


WEA is currently running Pastors Emergency Covid Fund Campaign for Nepal, providing relief aid to pastors, widows and orphans of pastors who have died, other church families and their community too as they struggle to survive the out of control Covid 19 pandemic.
The below video was produced as part of the effort to inform the wider global church community of the devastating impact of the pandemic as well as how God is working amid the crisis. In the video, Dr. Brian Winslade, Deputy Secretary General of the WEA interviews Rev. Hanok Tamang, chairman of the National Churches Fellowship Nepal (NCFN).

In distributing the donations that have come in from around the world, top priority has been given to helping feed and care for deceased pastor’s widows and orphans. For many, the death of their husband and father meant the end of family income.  Secondly, pastors who are currently battling Covid are being assisted with funds for medical care, oxygen and more.  Before, even if they were fortunate enough to be admitted to the hospital, they were soon sent away if they could not pay their doctor bills. Now they can stay in hospital and receive the care they need to survive.

Rev. Hanok expressed that, despite the devastating effects of the pandemic, God is doing miraculous things in the lives of persecuted believers and the Church is growing stronger.  That, he emphasized, was the real story to tell the world. 

The WEA and NCFN are grateful for all the warm and generous donations as well as prayers for the Pastors Emergency Covid Fund Campaign for Nepal. The campaign is not only about Covid relief – but also about brave, faithful people of God who are resolved to deepen their personal faith and tell others about it even in the face of an out-of-control pandemic and religious persecution. 

If you want to learn more about it, please visit this page for further information.
Watch: Executive Director of Evangelical Alliance of Ireland on Responding to the COVID Crisis in Nepal

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