WEA Deputy Secretary General for Operations Visits Dover to Meet Staff, Discuss General Assembly Planning and Strategic Priorities


Recently appointed Deputy Secretary General for Operations Rev. Raymond Swatkowski visited the Evangelical Center in Dover, NY the past week to personally meet with operations staff for the first time and use the opportunity to get to know two of WEA’s partner organizations. The two intense but fruitful days of meetings aimed at laying the foundation for a strong working relationship between WEA’s Illinois- and New York-based offices.

Upon arriving in Dover on Monday afternoon, Rev. Swatkowski met representatives of Olivet University (OU) and World Olivet Assembly, both Global Partner members of WEA, who talked about the history of the longstanding partnership, which among others includes the hosting of WEA offices in Dover and New York City. Dr. Tracy Davis, President of OU, shared that working together with WEA and its Evangelical Alliances in 130 nations has provided the university with a unique opportunity to serve the global Church, especially with digital technology and services that have previously not been available to many Alliances.

Rev. Swatkowski with two WEA staff (middle) met leaders of Olivet University (left) and campus developers Dover Greens (right)

On the second day, Rev. Swatkowski met with WEA’s Dover-based staff, which include Chief Communications Officer Timothy Goropevsek, Director of Finance Dr. Joanna Bartovic, and Representative to the United Nations Dr. Rebecca Goropevsek-Olsavska.

They spent time sharing their stories of how they got involved with WEA and what responsibilities their respective roles include. They then went on to discuss some of the strategic priorities for the coming months and set out plans for effective communication and collaboration in the new structural set up that seeks to connect the operational functions of WEA more closely.

Rev. Swatkowski, Dr Bartovic and Mr Goropevsek (left to right) at the WEA office in Dover.

A major focus of the conversations was also on the ongoing planning for the upcoming WEA General Assembly to be held on November 7-13, 2019 in Bali, Indonesia where some 1,000 participants from 130 countries will come together under the theme “Your Kingdom Come!” to be inspired and equipped to “advance God’s Kingdom together.” With registration due to open soon, the team worked on recruitment processes, communications plan and other operational details to ensure a welcoming experience for participants from the very beginning.

Looking back at the two days, Rev. Swatkowski said: “Every day since I began my new role in September, I have come to appreciate the quality of leaders and staff that enable the WEA to work in partnership with the Regional and National Alliances around the world. Time spent with Timothy, Joanna and Rebecca enabled me to further understand the foundation that we seek to build on as we move forward in more relevant ways to improve communications and establish a financially sound base of operations. I look forward to seeing the ways that God will work to create a more effective platform for collaboration towards transformational Gospel impact through evangelical churches worldwide.”

Olivet University Dover Welcomes WEA Deputy Secretary General for Operations Rev. Swatkowski
  Visit the Website for the WEA General Assembly 2019 in Bali, Indonesia

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