WEA Religious Liberty Prayer News: Nigeria, India, Egypt



WEA Religious Liberty Prayer News07 July 2016
“Consider how many are my foes,
and with what violent hatred they hate me.
O guard my life, and deliver me;
do not let me be put to shame, for I take refuge in you”
Psalm 25:19-20

Dear Friends in Christ,
The World Evangelical Alliance is a global ministry working with local churches around the world to join in common concern to live and proclaim the Good News of Jesus in their communities. God is glorified and the nations of the earth are forever transformed.
The purpose of the WEA Religious Liberty Prayer Release is to keep you informed and mobilized in prayer and intercession for the needs of justice and religious liberty in the Church around the globe, so that we can stand together for the work of the Kingdom and the healing of the Nations. The Prayer Release is comprised on the basis of different credible resources. 

The funeral of Rev Joseph Kurah (Source: twitter.com/uncanny_sam)Pastor killed by suspected Fulani herdsmen in NIGERIA
On 30 June 2016, Rev Joseph Kurah, a pastor with the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA), in Obi town, Nigeria was killed by suspected Fulani herdsmen. According to reports, the attackers had also mutilated the body of Rev Kurah following the killing.
Rev Kurah is survived by his wife and 7 children.
Prayer points:
  • Pray for God’s comforting presence over all those grieving the loss of Rev Kurah;
  • Pray that Christians would respond to the killing in a Christlike manner;
  • Pray for God’s protection over all Christians in Nigeria.

Pastor beaten unconscious in Uttar Pradesh, INDIA

On May 22, a pastor in Uttar Pradesh, India was beaten unconscious by 4 masked Hindu extremists. The attackers, reportedly, beat Pastor Lalta Ram with bamboo sticks, knocking him unconscious. During the incident, the attackers also accused Pastor Ram of forcefully converting people to Christianity.
In February, Pastor Ram was detained by the police after Hindu extremists and the police forcibly closed down the church on allegations of forceful conversions.
Prayer points:

  • Pray that God would strengthen Pastor Lalta Ram to continue his ministry;
  • Pray that Christians in the area would stand firm in their faith in spite of the pressure and persecution;
  • Pray that the authorities would take action against those persecuting Christians;
  • Pray that the authorities would not discriminate against Christians.
Priest slain in Sinai, EGYPTAccording to reports, on 30 June 2016, Rev. Raphael Moussa was gunned down by the Islamic State in Sinai, Egypt while returning home after conducting a church service.
Rev Moussa, a Coptic priest, was reportedly killed instantly, after being sprayed with bullets by a masked gunman who also threatened witnesses before fleeing.
Prayer points:
  • Pray that God would comfort those grieving the loss of Rev Moussa;
  • Pray that there would be an end to the attacks on Christians in Sinai;
  • Pray that those responsible for the attack would be brought to justice;
  • Pray that the perpetrators would experience a change in heart, repent, and turn toward God.






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Send us your feedback to [email protected]The purpose of the WEA Religious Liberty Commission is to promote freedom of religion for all people worldwide as defined by Article 18 of the United Nations Declaration on Human
Rights, and in accordance with Scripture. Our aim is to help all people, but especially Protestant Christians, to exercise their faith without oppression or discrimination. 



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