Religious Liberty Prayer Alert: 2 Weeks on Pastor Abducted in Malaysia Still Missing


On 13 February, pastor Raymond Koh King Too (62) was kidnapped in Petaling Jaya, near Kuala Lumpur by a group of masked men. More than 2 weeks on, no one has claimed responsibility for the kidnapping, nor have there been demands made for a ransom.

Owing to the lack of information surrounding the abduction, it is reported that the son of pastor Koh has now filed a second police complaint stating his suspicion that his father has been murdered by his captors.

Pastor Koh, who has been involved in a community work project that provides help to single mothers, drug addicts, and people living with HIV and AIDS, was wrongfully accused by the Selangor Islamic Religious Department in 2011 for trying to convert Muslims to Christianity. The charges, however, was subsequently dropped due to a lack of evidence. 

Prayer points:

  • Pray for pastor Raymond Koh's safety
  • Pray that he would be freed by his captors
  • Pray for God’s comfort over his family during this time of distress
  • Pray for greater religious freedoms for Christians in Malaysia

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