Global Outreach Day: 25 million Christians sharing the Gospel – be a part of it!


The vision of the Global Outreach Day is of every Christian sharing the Gospel on the same day – everywhere, all around the world. It works with one very simple action:  Every Christian is reaching at least ONE person for Jesus Christ.

During the first two years, more than 25 million Christians were mobilized and over 50 million people were reached with the Gospel. From the highest mountains of Nepal to huge mega cities, tens of thousands of churches were actively involved. For millions of Christians, this day has brought a breakthrough in practical evangelism.

For the upcoming G.O.D. 2014, we are expecting 25 million Christians to be involved in sharing the Gospel. In Brazil alone, 10,000 leaders have committed to sending out 10 million Christians. It will begin with a Global Prayer Call on Friday, June 13th: Millions will be praying and then going out on the next day: June 14th, the Global Outreach Day!

This is your time – your opportunity!

A dying world is desperately waiting for an empowered church to bring the glorious Gospel to them. Be a part of this worldwide move of salvation! Here is what you can do:

1) Get active

On Friday, June 13th, pray with your church for unsaved loved-ones, neighbors and the salvation of your city and nation.

On June 14th, the Global Outreach Day reach at least ONE PERSON with the gospel of Jesus Christ. E.g. invite your friend, reach out to your neighbor, go out in teams, pray for the sick, minister to the poor, …there are thousands of creative ways to share the best message of all: JESUS saves!

2) Mobilize others

Share the idea, forward this information and start planning together with others how to reach people on June 14.

We have prepared many online resources especially to help you how to practically evangelize. 

Everyone can reach someone – together we will reach the world!


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