WEA Joins Call for Worldwide Day of Prayer for Syria on September 7


The World Evangelical Alliance joins other world Christian bodies for a day of prayer for Syria on Saturday, September 7th, and urges the global Church to continue to pray for God’s mercy on Syria and the region.

After two and a half years of bloody civil war, with 7 million displaced people – including 2 million who fled the country – and countless deaths, the whole world stands at another critical point in the crisis.

In the words of Dr. Joshua Bogunjoko, International Director of SIM International: “Who knows but that God could act in what seems to us an insoluble problem. Our own Christian brothers and sisters are among those in the cross-fire. Thousands of lives are being lost and many more are wounded, Christians or Muslims. The least we can do is to pray.“

Dr. Geoff Tunnicliffe, Secretary General of the WEA, says: “What better time to pray for Syria and all her peoples than now, when world powers are all discussing Syria. Please pray earnestly to the Sovereign God of all the nations, for the whole situation. May the Living God yet have mercy.“

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