Human Trafficking Task Force Reminds Local Church Leaders of the Biblical Mandate to Address Human Trafficking


From November 1-17, 2013, Dr. Leela Manasseh, member of the WEA Global Human Trafficking Task Force (GHTTF), traveled through various parts of India to speak to local Church leaders about the pertinent issue of Human Trafficking. She spoke about the Biblical mandate given to the Church which is the Body of Christ: "We have God's clarion call to wake up, wake up, and implement God's plan of actions."

The WEA Human Trafficking Task Force was established in 2009 with a vision for engaging and equipping the local church to respond to victims and issues of human trafficking. It has the following Biblical foundation for its engagement:

A Clarion Call to Action: God's heart is broken over the millions of enslaved people; He understands the suffering of each and every one of them. He is not indifferent to their cries for love, mercy, justice and deliverance and has sent His redeemed and chosen people, the body of Christ (the Church) for the restoration of justice in an unjust world!

God the creator – creation ex nihilo (Gen), created both men and women; boys and girls and declared them good. Every human being thus created is precious and valuable in God's sight and He has called us to accept and love one another, just as He accepts us in Christ and loves us. He calls on the Church to ensure that every human being is free from enslavement and granted freedom to enjoy their human rights – the whole Gospel that reaches the whole person.

The more we come to know God; we continue to realize the wonder of Creator God. He establishes within us His deepening sense of wonder and worship. (Psalm 8: 3) and our responsibility for the earth and all who dwell within. As He calls us into personal relationship with Him, he instills compassion of care for creation, a value for human life and dignity and a desire to contribute to the common good.

This is further strengthened by the biblical doctrine of redemption (Colossians 1 and John 3: 16), that declares that God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son to die to save humanity! The forgiveness of sin, deliverance from spiritual and moral darkness into God's marvelous light, brings freedom to captives, and acts justly, in demonstrating God's love for humankind and desire for abundant life!

May our lives be God's open and prophetic book with;

Inspiration    to give with abandonment,
Conviction    to defy injustice with passion,
Brokenness    alongside victims whose hope is trampled,
Creativity    to struggle with unanswered questions,
Courage    to bring a shaft of light into the unknown,
Salvation    daring to sing the songs of justice in any storm.

"Mark us a people in responding to what the Lord requires of us: To do Justice" – Micah 6:8

Donate here for the work of the WEA Global Human Trafficking Task Force. Designation: 'GHTTF'.

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