New Year’s Greeting 2023 from WEA’s New Deputy Secretary General


Hi there, my name is Samuel Chiang. And recently I joined Bishop Thomas and Dr. Peirong in the Office of the Secretary General.

We bring warm greetings to our friends in the World Evangelical Alliance around the globe. 

Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, especially those dear men or women who lead the national evangelical alliances and the regional evangelical alliances, that form the World Evangelical Alliance, we desire to serve you well through deep listening and through learning together.

We ask God’s blessing upon all of your plans, that you will have wisdom and courage in carrying them out in this coming new year. We echo Paul, that we desire to bring the gospel to the furthest corners of the earth. We evangelicals, people of the good news, are able to bring hope into the lives of our families, of our community, and people who are at our places of work in our cities, and also in our nations.

We bring blessings to you in 2023 and we desire for all of us to be able to live in unity in Jesus Christ. We also pray that you will pray also and proclaim the gospel introduce the transforming work in your nation, so that people could live in accordance to God’s standards.


Samuel E. ChiangDeputy Secretary GeneralWorld Evangelical Alliance

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