Recent Developments at the UN Security Council


The United Nations Security Council has passed its first-ever resolution addressing the role of religion in peace building. At the WEA, we see this as a positive step in several ways. First, it empowers religious organisations like ours to take an active role in peace building. The WEA’s Peace and Reconciliation Network (PRN) is active in peace building in many parts of the world. The PRN and Global Advocacy recently collaborated to make a joint submission to the United Nations New Agenda on Peace. Second, it encourages interfaith dialogue towards peace. The WEA regularly engages in interfaith dialogue, particularly through the Abrahamic Faiths Initiative. Third, the resolution specifically highlights women both as victims of violence in conflict and in peace building. Global Advocacy works with the WEA Women’s Commission to highlight these issues, particularly at the UN Commission on the Status of Women.

The importance of the Security Council passing this resolution is that it is a very powerful body within the UN system. We expect that there will now be new opportunities to raise concerns about the oppression of religious minorities as a source of conflict in many countries. It will give new opportunities to amplify the voice of our national alliances in the UN system.

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