Momentum is building towards the first Season of Global Witness & Disciple-Making as the World Evangelical Alliance together with the GO Movement, the Global Alliance for Church Multiplication, the International Prayer Council and a growing number of partners are mobilizing churches to open the Bible, pray, share the gospel with others and plant churches in the month of May.
“As the global Church celebrates the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are made aware afresh of how desperately the world needs to embrace the gospel. As we already announced in February, an unprecedented collaboration for gospel witness and disciple-making has developed within the WEA alongside partnering networks. Together, we are celebrating the month of May as a ‘Season of Global Witness and Disciple-making’: an annual recommended focus for the global Church,” said Dr Jay Mātenga, WEA Director of Global Witness.

For 2022, the dates and topics for local churches’ creative participation in this outreach season is the following:
Season of Global Witness & Disciple-Making in May:
May 1 (Sunday) – GO Pray
May 9 (Monday) – Day of the Bible
May 22 (Sunday) – Global Day of Prayer & Witnessing
[May 26 (Thursday) – Ascension]
May 28 (Saturday) – Global Outreach Day
May 29 (Sunday) – Global Celebration & Church Planting Day
“I am excited to see the Season of Global Witness and Disciple-making finally come to fruition. Gospel transformation is at the very core of WEA’s vision, and our Global Witness Department’s focus on missions and evangelism is central to that vision,” said WEA Secretary General Bishop Dr Thomas Schirrmacher. “As the month of May draws near, please encourage your networks and churches to familiarize yourselves with the resources available and creatively participate in this season of special outreach emphasis.”
“Prayer, Scripture reading, sharing our faith with others, blessing our neighborhoods and nations, and establishing new fellowships where the gospel is least known, are all part of our mission in the world. So we now celebrate this Season every year during May as an opportunity to equip disciples to witness and make disciples for God’s glory,” he added.
Samuel Chiang, Executive Director of WEA’s recently launched Global Evangelism Network, noted that “We are witnesses and are joyful to express the message of the gospel to a world in turmoil. In our collaborative partnerships, we desire to see a Bible for all languages; a strategy to share the Good News with every person; and a church for every 1,000 people worldwide. With the GO Movement we invite every follower of Jesus to pray at the beginning of May for three people from their place of work, community, and family, and share the Good News to one of them on GO Day during the month of May.”
“Furthermore, as part of WEA’s global partnership with the International Prayer Council (IPC), I highly recommend you creatively adopt the prayer that IPC has provided for the Season of Global Witness and Disciple-Making in 2022, which is available here,” he said.
For more information and resources, visit our partners’ website:
Christian Vision:
Christian Vision (CV) is a global Christian ministry with a mission to introduce people to Jesus and encourage them to become his true followers.
Finishing the Task is calling the global church to partner together to run faster and farther towards the following shared goals by AD 2033, the 2000th anniversary of the Great Commission: A Bible for all languages – A strategy to share the Good News with every person – A church for every 1000 people worldwide.
GACX is a global coalition of churches and mission agencies working to saturate the world with multiplying disciples, leaders, and churches.
GO Movement:
Everyone can reach someone together we can reach the world!
Engaging and Unleashing Believers into Digital Missions.
International Prayer Council:
Catalyzing united prayer across nations, denominations, movements, and generations for the fulfilment of the Great Commission.
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