A United Effort of the Churches of South Sikkim, India


Dear friends,

Warm Christmas greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We the churches of Namchi town, not discriminating against any denomination or Christian congregation, had planned to give a new taste of Christmas this year to the citizens of Namchi by organizing Christmas Carnival 2003. It was a united effort of the churches of south Sikkim. One hundred sixty-five churches of south Sikkim were united together to celebrate this Christmas. The chief minister of Sikkim, Dr. Pawan Chamling, had kindly consented to be the chief guest of the occasion. He stayed in the program for a full three and half hours.

The churches had decorated the whole town with buntings, stars and lights. It was as if the whole town was dancing in celebrating the coming of our Lord. Most of the non-Christian shops were also decorated with lights as a mark of their recognition.

Mr. Krnadas, a popular singer from Nepal TV, and Mr. George Suman Pegha, another renowned Christian singer, presented their numbers along with their testimonies. Around seven to eight thousand people were present for the occasion. Dr. Adon Rongong brought a very powerful Christmas message to the mass.

It is my prayer that from every item of our program the Gospel should be preached not only with words but also in action. We had collected one hundred blankets from the churches to distribute to the poor needy people on this cold winter night. Tendong Educational Institute had donated the bigger part of the blankets. We asked for ten names of poor and deserving people from ten villages through the village heads and distributed the blankets through them.

Our faithful Lord answered our prayer and the people of Namchi had a chance to have the taste of the sweetness of the presence of the Lord in our town. During daytime, a large cake was cut by the chief guest and distributed to the masses.

Dr. Pawan Chamling, the chief guest of the occasion, was honored at the occasion for being awarded the title “Dr. of Philosophy”.

Once again, FECAI family wishes you a happy Christmas and Happy New Year.

With best regards,

Daya R. Pradhan,
Executive Director,
First Evangelical Church Association of India

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