
Newly Appointed Chair of the International Council pictured with General Secretary Gary Edmonds at the annual WEA Council Meeting in London, May 2003

Rev. Ndaba Mazabane, president of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA), was named Chairman of the International Council of World Evangelical Alliance. The appointment took place during WEA’s recent Council meetings May 7-10 at Mulberry House in High Ongar, U.K.

Besides his service with AEA, Rev. Mazabane also serves Focus on the Family South Africa as manager of media and ministry relations. He has theology degrees from Rosebank Bible College and the University of South Africa. He is an ordained minister with eight years of pastoral experience.

After accepting the position, Mazabane called on WEA’s global constituents “to uphold the evangelical heritage that has a strong emphasis on the centrality of Scripture in matters of faith and behavior, on Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation of all, and the local church as God’s design for his people to gather together for worship and then scatter to spread the message of hope to a hurting world.”

Mazabane went on to call for increased cooperation on an international level. “I see a need for evangelicals to cooperate with others in our communities to help meet the needs of people and be vocal on issues of morality and justice without compromising our identity,” he said. “I feel honoured to have been selected to the chair of the IC of WEA at this stage of its history. Our strength as a global network must be seen in the context of functional national alliances which are empowered to respond to the issues they face, have the capacity to generate and manage resources within acceptable stewardship principles, and sustain ministry projects that link them with their communities at the grassroots.”

Commenting on Rev. Mazabane’s appointment, WEA Secretary General Gary Edmonds said, “Ndaba brings to WEA a passion for the unity of the church and an energetic leadership style which will prove effective in moving WEA into its future.”

Rev. Mazabane, his wife, Maggie, and their three children, reside in Durban, South Africa.

World Evangelical Alliance is a global network of 121 nations who have each formed an evangelical church alliance. Nearly 2,000,000 local churches and 335 million Christians identify with these alliances.

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World Evangelical Alliance
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