The World Evangelical Alliance Condemns Statement by Pat Robertson


For Immediate Release

It is with great regret and deep concern that the World Evangelical Alliance totally condemns the recent speech by Dr. Pat Robertson calling for the U.S. government to assassinate President Chavez of Venezuela.

“This kind of statement, by this well known American Christian leader, is in complete contradiction to the teachings of Jesus Christ who evangelical Christians believe and seek to demonstrate,” says Geoff Tunnicliffe, WEA International Director. He goes on to add, “Robertson does not speak for evangelical Christians. We believe in justice and the protection of human rights of all people, including the life of President Chavez.”

Rev. Sam Olson, veteran pastor of Las Acacias church in Caracas and president of the Venezuelan Evangelical Alliance (associated with WEA) has expressed deep concern for how this statement will negatively impact evangelical Christians in Latin America. He writes, “Robertson has placed our lives in jeopardy as he has completely misrepresented us and has given our government every reason to believe we would support such an action.“

The World Evangelical Alliance calls on Dr. Robertson to withdraw his statement and reconcile his views with the orthodox Christian faith. The WEA calls on all people, in particularly those of Venezuela, to show restraint in how they react to such a statement, knowing that it represents the opinion of one individual and not that of the hundreds of millions of evangelical Christians around the world.

For more information or for an interview contact:

Sylvia Soon, Communications Coordinator
E-mail: [email protected]

World Evangelical Alliance is a global network of 123 nations who each have formed an evangelical church alliance. Nearly 3,000,000 local churches and 380 million Christians identify with these alliances.

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