NCEASL January Incident Update

National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL)

1st – 23rd January 2006 – Incident update

22nd – 23rd January – Congregation threatened & stoned
AOG Church – Bolaththa, Ganemulla (Gampaha District)
On the 22nd January (Sunday) after the morning service, the church of about 50 people faced a large mob of approximately 500 persons, including about 20 Buddhist monks and a Catholic priest who arrived at the location. They carried placards and shouted threats, demanding that the services must be stopped. The mob threatened that they would return the next Sunday if the services continue.
On the 23rd, at about 3 a.m. the pastor’s house was stoned, causing damage to widows. A complaint was made to Ganemulla Police. Entry No. CIB I 324/225

22nd – 23rd January – Congregation threatened & stoned21st January – pastor’s family threatened
AOG Church – Alpitiya (Galle District)
At about 7.30 p.m. on the 21st January , a mob of about 20 men armed with rods & sticks walked in to the Pastor’s home. The Pastor’s wife was home alone during this time with their 3 small children. She was nursing the youngest baby, when 5 men walked in to the bedroom. They demanded to know where the pastor was. Having learned that he was not at home, they issued an ultimatum, that the pastor must stop services and all Christian activity. The men overturned a table, chairs and other furniture in the house before leaving with the threat that If he fails to do so, they will destroy all their belongings. The Police were alerted and the Sunday service was held with Police protection. Police entry no. CIB 10/415 Alpitiya Police Station.

1st January – Church threatened
King’s Revival Church – Alawwa (Kurunegala District)
This church which was threatened on Christmas day was subjected to verbal threats by a small group of people who shouted threats in abusive language at the pastor and a few Christians who had gathered for the morning service.
Advocacy Desk

01/27/2006 – UPDATE POSTED – Click Here

01/31/2006 – UPDATE POSTED – Click Here

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