National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL): Prayer Alert


Afghan man faces death for converting to Christianity

Mr. Abdul Rahman (aged 41) who is an Afghan national was tried by a court in Afghanistan for converting to Christianity from Islam. The presiding judge of Kabul’s Primary Court is due to pass sentence in two weeks. Mr. Rahman may face the death penalty for his ‘crime’, as the judge pointed out that under Islamic Sharia Law, it is illegal to be a Christian.

The Prosecution has indicated that they are willing to drop the charges against Mr. rahman if he renounced Christianity and converted back to Islam. However, Mr. Rahman has refused to do so.

This trial is the first of its kind in Afghanistan, where the new draft Constitution makes Islam the state religion, but also refers to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Approximately 99% of the population of Afghanistan are Muslims.

Please pray for Mr. Rahman.

Pray also for the nation of Afghanistan as they deal with the many challenges of rebuilding their nation ravaged by decades of war.

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