Global Day of Prayer Newsletter: Pray for the Nations: Burma, North Korea, Japan


“Therefore let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good.”
1 Peter 4:19

In this issue:

  • Global Day of Prayer for Burma – 13 March 2012
  • Pray for 30 North Korean Refugees in danger of Execution
  • 11 March – 12 Months after the Earthquake and Tsunami hit Japan

Global Day of Prayer for Burma – 13 March 2012

Over fifty years of civil war have left Burma one of the poorest countries in the world. The military dictatorship attacks its own people, killing thousands, and leaving millions displaced.

Many in opposition are either imprisoned or killed. In most of the country there is a false peace due to the dictators' ability to control dissent; however in some ethnic areas the Regime's army is still attacking the people. There are over 1 million internally displaced people, and over 1 million refugees who have fled the country. There is continual environmental destruction, an HIV/AIDS epidemic, the ongoing laying of landmines, human trafficking and religious persecution.

Because of the Regime's mismanagement and corruption, it's the world's second largest opium producer and the main producer of methamphetamines in SE Asia.

Christian Freedom International (CFI) has partnered with Free Burma Rangers (FBR) to advocate for the Global Day of Prayer for Burma on March 13, 2012.

The annual prayer event is sponsored by Christians Concerned for Burma (CCB), an organization whose mission is to “encourage people to pray and act for Burma, to share the good news of Jesus Christ, and to help those in need.”

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  • Pray for Myanmar’s peace and for the country to turn to God, especially Myanmar’s leaders
  • The military regime actively promotes Buddhism and there is much discrimination against Christians. Pray for God’s protection and favor to be upon Christians.
  • The military regime has tried to wipe out the Church, but it still continues to grow. Pray that Christians would be able to stay faithful to God as they are persecuted and have courage to share their love of God with others.

URGENT : Pray for 30 North Korean Refugees in Danger of Execution

For the last two weeks, China has been threatening to repatriate 30 North Korean refugees. These are people who escaped the brutal oppression and starvation of their land, hoping to get a better life, and to go to South Korea eventually. They and three generations of their families (men, women and children too), potentially hundreds of people, will be sentenced to execution as an example by the Pyongyang government or at least to slave labor in one of the Nazi-style death camps in North Korea if China repatriates them as it says it will do. 

The South Korean government has appealed to China to no avail so far and is now pressing the United Nations Human Rights Council. Yesterday, the New York Times reported that "South Korean diplomats are expected to call for the safety and humane treatment of North Korean refugees living in hiding in China."

Read the whole article HERE 

With this important issue finally before the world in such glaring manner, this could be a kairos time to see China's inhumane policy on refugees changed so that those suffering in the hell-hole of North Korea can freely escape.


  • That the North Korean refugees and their families still inside North Korea will be protected from harm.   
  • That China's government will be embarrassed and ashamed of their policies regarding North Korean refugees and allow refugees to come across the border to find asylum there or to go on to South Korea to live.    
  • That China which supplies 80% of the resources to prop up the evil regime in Pyonyang will be moved to cut off those resources unless North Korea respects human rights and shuts down the Nazi-style prison camps in which hundreds of thousands of men, women and children are incarcerated. (In those camps, they are worked to death with little or no food and in terrible conditions or used for the testing of biological and chemical weapons.)     
  • That the United Nations will take up this issue aggressively and that the international community will strongly pressure China and North Korea to respect the rights of the North Korean people and reform their policies concerning them.

Thanks for your persevering prayers of faith. The Lord will use them to shape history and bring His deliverance to North Korea!

John Robb

Chairman, IPC

12 Months after the Earthquake and Tsunami hit Japan – 11 March 2011

A report from the President, Asian Access, Joe Handley

The last few months I've been listening carefully to pastors from Japan share their reflections post 3/11/11. Their learning is profound because their reflections are deep.

As you know, Japan was hit by a triple disaster on March 11, 2011 with three distinct waves:

  1. The 9.0 earthquake which did relatively little damage given the size and scope of the quake and following aftershocks.
  2. The tsunami which brought the most devastation, wiping out over 86 entire communities and destroying homes, businesses, churches and families.
  3. And finally, the meltdown of the Fukushima nuclear facility.

As many have reflected on the spiritual condition of the country following the disaster, the following themes are surfacing. There are three distinct walls that have fallen:

  1. The separation between church and community: Churches across Northeastern Japan have been the center of providing shelter, relief, and supplies. Most notable are the voices of children heard in various regions saying: "Grandma, Jesus is coming… Mr. Christ is holding a BBQ… Jesus brought us food… Jesus brought us clothing!" Prior to this disaster the church was a fairly mysterious entity in the region but now it is known as the place where help is coming from.
  2. The walls between churches: Now denominations have banded together to work for the common good of the people and to share the hope that lies within. Praise God for this Brethren Church and the Evangelical Free and Presbyterian Church of Japan for rallying together to help one another.
  3. The wall between Japan and the world: The global church has rallied to Japan's side following this horrific disaster and the community and bonds that have been established will continue for many years.

Thank you for rallying behind Japan during their hour of greatest need! Please continue to pray!

Joseph W. Handley, Jr.
President, Asian Access

Read the full article HERE


  • Pray that God will display His awesome power with signs and miracles to woo and win the hearts of the Japanese.
  • Pray that He will reveal Himself supernaturally so that their eyes will be opened to His glory.
  • Pray for the aftermath of the natural disasters to be a time of awakening for the Japanese people.
  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to move powerfully throughout this nation, softening hearts and opening minds to the Gospel.
  • Pray for the multitudes of Japanese to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

Also See:   An Overview for How to Pray for Japan

Watch this beautiful testimony from people who were affected by LOVE

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