Pray with Arab World Media for Saudi Arabia and Libya


"Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations: Isaiah 56:7  

10 Countries, 12 Months

Arab World Media

TC12 is a 12-month prayer initiative. We are asking God for an increase in the number of spiritual enquirers from 10 specific countries of the Arab world. Each quarter we pray for two or three countries, asking that God would use the ministry of Arab World Media to bring more people to a living faith in Christ.

We begin this first quarter by praying for Saudi Arabia and Libya, but start this month with Saudi Arabia. Please take a little time to read through the following and then pray. For more info, visit the Arab World Media website


  • Pray that many Saudis and Libyans who are seeking truth would find their way to in the first quarter of 2012.
  • Pray for spiritual protection upon the Maarifa team as they work to draw more people to the site through Google Ads and with content produced specifically for these countries.
  • Lift up the response team and workers on the ground as they prepare for a higher number of enquirers. May they be ready and prepared to reap the harvest!
  • Please keep praying for the Lord to draw more Saudi Arabians and Libyans to himself through Specifically pray that they will take that first step in asking that first question. Objections and statements are hard to respond to, but questions lead to answers!

To receive monthly prayer points as well as some testimonies please sign up for the TC12 newsletter by visiting the Arab World Media website

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14 – 18 May 2012 

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2 June 2012 

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