Pray for the unreached people – Jama Mapun, Bajau Kagayan of Philippines



Jama Mapun, Bajau Kagayan of Philippines

Jama Mapun, Bajau Kagayan of Philippines
The Bajau Kagayan are seafaring people (known as "sea gypsies") and fish in the Sulu Sea by the Philippines and Sulawesi, Indonesia. They are non-aggressive people who usually retreat from trouble. They live on their boats or on the coast in houses that are built over the sea on stilts. Their livelihood comes from the sea through fishing. The Bajau Kagayan are Sunni Muslims.

Ministry Obstacles
Establishing trust with the Muslim Bajau Kagayan people may be difficult.

Outreach Ideas
Christians can carry the good news of Jesus to the Bajau Kagayan by telling them stories from Scripture, and by using Gospel films and recordings.

Pray for the followers of Christ
Pray for the few followers of Jesus among the "sea gypsy" people of the Philippines, that good teachers will be sent to help them grow. Pray they will be firmly established on the truths of Scripture, and will be zealous to study and learn, and be faithful disciples of Christ.

Pray for the entire people group
Pray the Bajau Kagayan people will be able to provide adequately for their families, and be kept safe as they fish for their livelihood.

Scripture Focus
"Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice; and let them say among the nations, 'The Lord reigns.'" 1 Chronicles 16:31


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Jama Mapun, Bajau Kagayan of Philippines
Presented by Joshua Project

Joshua Project is a research initiative of the U.S. Center for World Mission (USCWM) seeking to highlight the ethnic people groups of the world with the least followers of Christ. It gathers, integrates and shares people group information to encourage pioneer church-planting movements among every ethnic group and to facilitate effective coordination of mission agency efforts.

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