Pray for the nation of Eritrea



"Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations" Isaiah 56:7  

21 Evangelical Christians arrested on Good Friday in ERITREA

It is reported that Eritrean military officials arrested 21 Evangelical Christians who gathered to worship on Good Friday. The group consisted of 11 women who were teachers stationed at Sawa military training centre in Western Eritrea. Reports states that those arrested are detained in metal shipping containers and are undergoing military punishment.

12 May 2012 marks 10 years since the government of Eritrea ordered that religious groups outside of the Orthodox, Catholic, Methodist and Islamic traditions be registered. However, those who applied for registration have yet to receive recognition from the government. Christians in Eritrea have faced various kinds of restrictions, ranging from interference into church administration, to arrest and torture. The church in Eritrea estimates that there are currently as many as 1,000 Christians imprisoned for their religious beliefs.

Why not arrange your own special prayer event on either Saturday, May 12, or Sunday, May 13. Prayer cards and other resources available at LovErtrea


  • Pray for the safety of the 21 Christians detained by authorities
  • Pray that God would strengthen their faith and protect them in this time of strife
  • Pray for the release of all Christians languishing in prisons in Eritrea; also pray that amidst their suffering they would experience the presence and love of Christ and be strengthened to endure and radiate grace
  • Pray that God would bless and comfort the Church in Eritrea

Source: WEA Religious Liberty Commission

For more news and prayer points visit Release-Eritrea

Pray for the Unreaced People of Saudi Arabia

Najdi is one of the varieties of the Arabic language spoken by Saudi Arabs. Saudi Arabia is sometimes called, "The Land of The Two Holy Mosques," in reference to Mecca and Medina, the two holiest places in Islam. The public practice of any religion other than Islam (including Christianity and Judaism), the presence of churches, and possession of non-Islamic religious materials is not allowed. Saudi Arabian dress follows strictly the principles of hijab, the Islamic principle of modesty.


  • Pray for the followers of Christ:

  • There are not many followers of Jesus among the Saudi Arabs and they need outside prayer support.

  • Pray for their protection.

  • Pray they will learn to live in the power of Christ's Spirit, demonstrating the fruit of His Spirit. Pray that this fruit will be a strong testimony to the reality and goodness of Christ.

  • Pray for the entire people group:
  • Pray the Saudi Arabs will hunger to know forgiveness of sin, found only through faith in the work of Christ on the cross.
  • Pray they will hunger to know God's love, found through faith in Christ's work and life.

Source: Joshua Project

For more information and prayer points visit Pray4Saudi a ministry of Window International Network

Eritrea is number 11 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2012 of the world's worst persecutors of Christians. Recognition of 4 religious groups: Sunni Muslim, Eritrean Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Lutheran. All other religious groups have been persecuted with increasing intensity since 2002.
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Saudi Arabia is number 3 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2012 of the world's worst persecutors of Christians. People of faiths other than Islam can live in Saudi Arabia, but they may neither practice their religion openly nor gather privately. The government enforces Shari'a law and uses its vast oil revenues to propagate Islam around the globe.
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