EF India Addresses the Issue of Human Trafficking


Childhood is the time when a person needs nurturing, schooling, time to play and explore the opportunity to grow both emotionally and physically.  However, when a child is trafficked, it takes into  account several aspects such as right to life; right to security; right to privacy; access to health services; right to self-determination of a trafficked child.

The Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI) recognized the importance of the growing number of trafficked children in India at an alarming rate and is deeply involved in building the capacity and strengthening the involvement of churches in promoting and securing the rights of children, by addressing the crucial issue of Human Trafficking at State and National Level.

The EFI has conducted several workshops with the churches in Jharkhand and Orissa. On September 2010 in Jharkhand, it conducted a workshop on trafficking, and as a result the very next day a pastor was preaching in his church on trafficking.

Furthermore, the EFI is conducting speaking tours with the churches in the rural areas which have left a highly motivated church. About 15 odd churches have been involved in the issue in a span of one and a half year. “With these efforts we have increased awareness among the churches in the area.  There has been a substantial rise in the involvement of the churches in Jharkhand addressing the issue of human trafficking,” the EFI states.

With regular interventions, Evangelical Fellowship of India has initiated the creation of Jharkhand Anti-Human Trafficking Forum (JHATRA) which is constituted by persons belonging to different Churches, NGOs, Organizations and Judiciary to prevent human trafficking and its practice in all its forms as well as to rescue and rehabilitate victims of human trafficking.

Related Articles:
> 'What's so human about trafficking?' – WEA to Host Open Forum
> Human Trafficking Consultation Held in India

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