Pray for the unreached people – Jumjum, Berin of Sudan



Jumjum, Berin of Sudan

Jumjum, Berin of Sudan
The Jumjum are a Nilotic people, a term used to refer to those who live in or around the upper Nile Valley. Long subjected to foreign influence, the Jumjum are a somewhat mixed group. In years past, they have had close contact with the Dinka, Nuer, and Shilluk groups. These tribes often invaded the Jumjum area, raiding it for slaves. The Jumjum are closely related, both geographically and linguistically, to the Burun; and some consider the two groups as one. The Jumjum are farmers and shepherds. Most are animists, and worship the supreme god Dyong.

Ministry Obstacles
No written Scripture is available in the language of the Jumjum.

Outreach Ideas
Gospel recordings are available in the Jumjum language. Pray for the distribution of these recordings among the people.

Pray for the followers of Christ
Pray for the few believers among the Jumjum, living in a difficult situation. Pray they be firmly established in the faith, growing in holiness.

Pray for the entire people group
Pray for the Jumjum to be able to provide adequately for their families and for good schools for their children.

Scripture Focus
"See, I will beckon to the Gentiles, I will lift up my banner to the peoples." Isaiah 49:22


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Jumjum, Berin of Sudan
Presented by Joshua Project

Joshua Project is a research initiative of the U.S. Center for World Mission (USCWM) seeking to highlight the ethnic people groups of the world with the least followers of Christ. It gathers, integrates and shares people group information to encourage pioneer church-planting movements among every ethnic group and to facilitate effective coordination of mission agency efforts.