Global Prayer Resource Network Newsletter, July 2012




"The Lord's message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia-your faith in God has become known everywhere."
1 Thessalonians 1:8
What a wonderful opportunity for us to unite in prayer for the United Kingdom with the Summer Olympics starting on 27 July in London.


According to Operation World, the UK’s contribution to global Christianity has been significant for centuries. From Wycliffe and Tyndale, up to today –with the Alpha Course, 24-7prayer and a lot of evangelical writers, theologians and worship leaders – the UK continues to offer blessing to the nations of the world.


Claim this scriptural promise Colossians 4:2-4 as you pray for the United Kingdom!

  • Pray for Christian students as they graduate from university. Pray for them as they transition to the workplace, continuing to grow in their faith and investing spiritually in the lives of others.
  • Pray for the many British missionaries working overseas as well as the international missionaries serving here in the UK. Pray that God would provide them with a fresh sense of vision, calling and a renewed love for Jesus.
  • Pray for national revival in Great Britain and restoration to the spiritual vigor that once made Britain’s Christians a blessing to the world.
  • Please pray for the political leaders of the United Kingdom: Queen Elizabeth II and Prime Minister David Cameron


Britain needs to discover a sense of purpose and direction for the 21st Century. Its sense of nationhood and core identity has increasingly diminished since the end of the British Empire and plays itself out in the context of:

  • Foreign policy, which remains globally engaging. As a permanent UN Security Council member and head of the Commonwealth, and because of its special relationship with the USA, Britain’s involvement with the wider world remains extensive in both diplomatic and military contexts. Pray for this influence and power to be wielded for the sake of what is just and right, when needed and called for.
  • Integration with the EU remains a political hot potato. The loss of autonomy to the Byzantine politics of the EU sits poorly with many in the UK, but greater integration appears inevitable. Balancing maximum participation in the EU with maximum retention of autonomy seems an impossible compromise.
  • Devolution of the UK into federalism. This will grant greater autonomy to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, but at significant financial and political costs. Britain and “Britishness” will suffer at the hands of buoyant national identities and agendas

Visit Operation World for more Prayer Information


Helping your Church make the most of the 2012 Olympics

TIME TO SHINE – Daily Prayer Guide


20 July – 18 August 2012
30 Days Prayer Book
30 Days Prayer Guide

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