Praying for the Persecuted



“Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering”
– Hebrews 13:3

Praying for the Persecuted

Believers all around the world are rejoicing over the wonderful news of Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani who was released from prison and re-united with his family. Many reports are saying that the international pressure had an impact and if nobody had heard of Pastor Youcef this would be a much different story and that he'd not be with his family right now. BUT we all know that this is a miracle and an answer to hundreds and thousands of prayers.

Read Pastor Youcef’s full story HERE

While we delight in this wonderful news, we must not forget hundreds of others who are harassed or unjustly detained on account of their faith and the increase in persecution of Christians worldwide. Believers are being detained by Governments but also harassed by neighbours and fellow country men.
For example:

  • In July a pastor in Gelephu, Bhutan was attacked by a government official after being summoned to warn against conducting worship service in his home. Reports say the official also took out a sword and threatened to kill pastor Pema Sherpa. Full Story HERE
  • In August it was reported that a pastor and his wife were attacked in Deniyaya, Sri Lanka whilst they were returning home after visiting a church member. Full story HERE
  • And also in August, suspected extremists shot and killed a pastor in his home in Maiduguri, in Borno state, Nigeria. Full Story HERE

Source: WEA Religious Liberty Commission

Brother Andrew said: "The first thing persecuted Christians ask me for, is prayer."


  • Ministries such as CSW who is committed to continue campaigning until all religious minorities in many persecuted nations are able to enjoy religious freedom as guaranteed under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
  • Pastor Youcef and his family. Youcef has been released from prison but he is not a "free" man yet and he certainly is not out of danger. It happened before that Christians were released simply to be found murdered later. Youcef and his family will still be threatened and under surveillance.
  • Please pray for God's protection over pastors and all other ministry workers in nations where there is persecution
  • Pray that Pastors and ministry workers, will stand firm in their faith in spite of harassment and continue to minister the Gospel
  • Pray for healing and restoration for those who are injured during attacks
  • Pray that believers who face attacks respond in Christ like ways

Visit Global Prayer Resource Network for more valuable links to help you pray for the Persecuted.



29 September, Wembley Stadium, London
National Day of Prayer and Worship is for ALL Christians, Church, Youth, Prayer Leaders, and Intercessors. We want to bring Christians from across the Isles from many different Backgrounds, Denominations, Streams and Traditions together to pray and seek God.

Please join wherever you are and stand with Britain that the Lord will use this roar of prayer and worship as a catalyst towards that visitation and reformation and revival for Britain.

24 – 28 September 2012

The Children's Prayer Network Australia is hosting a Prayer and Worship conference led by the next generation – certainly like no other conference we have hosted before!
More Information HERE

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