WEA RLC Prayer Alert: Mentally Disabled, 11 Year Old Christian Girl Arrested for Blasphemy in Pakistan


But let justice roll on like a river,
righteousness like a never-failing stream!

Amos 5:24

On 19 August, Pakistani police arrested a mentally disabled, 11 year old girl after she was accused by a mob of desecrating the Quran. It is reported that the mob demanded the Christian girl's arrest and threatened to burn down Christian homes in the area.

PakistanAccording to reports, Rimsha Misrak, who has Down syndrome, was found carrying a waste bag which had pages of the Quran. The girl's parents were taken into protective custody following the incident whilst other Christian families have fled the area.

However the day following the arrest, a mob consisting of around 600-1000 people torched several Christian homes, demanding that Rimsha Misrak be burnt to death as a blasphemer.

Pakistan's president, Asif Ali Zardari has ordered the country's Interior ministry to investigate the incident.

Prayer points:

  • Please pray that the police will release the girl
  • Pray for God's protection upon the girl, her family and also the Christians who have fled the area following the incident
  • Please pray that those accusing the little girl will experience a change in heart and stop pursuing the charges
  • Pray that the investigation will be conducted in a just manner

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Prayer Alert Issued by the World Evangelical Alliance Religious Liberty Commission.

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