Brazilian Evangelical Alliance Preparing for Iberto-American Christian Forum


by Andrea Madambashi, The Christian Post

The executive director of the Brazilian Evangelical Alliance (ACEB) has expressed his high expectations for the Ibero-American Forum of Evangelical Dialogue (FIDE), which is looking to propose discussion and prayer on common issues affecting Latin America.
Pastor Wilson Costa has said to The Christian Post, "Our expectation is that this could be an opportunity for building relationships with all national leaders that will be there. It is a good chance to know what is going on in other countries in terms of national evangelical alliances."
According to World Evangelical Alliance, FIDE will gather 19 Latin America countries in total to Panama City, capital of Panama, between October 16 and 20.
The Brazilian alliance has said that the experiences of all the other countries will help Brazil deal with a variety of issues and challenges if faces.
ACEB made an attempt to form the organization two years ago but it was only just officially established in November of last year after an assembly approved the statutes and the board.
FIDE is sure to have many topics to discuss in the open agenda, but Wilson has pointed out that some of the main concerns in Latin America at the moment include abortion and same sex marriage.
The leader points out other issues likely to be discussed in Brazil include evangelism and politics.
Particularly about politics, the Brazilian alliance has spoken out against "pulpits becoming a platform" for candidates in this 2012 election dispute Sunday.
ACEB referred to a number of candidates who have been seen visiting churches in the hope of gaining support from evangelicals. Meanwhile, a number of churches have also reportedly been openly supporting some candidates and have even asked their congregations to vote for certain people during services, which has been raised as a serious concern by other Christian leaders.
Now with the exchange between the various alliances set to take place, Wilson Costa hopes that many of these problems can be tackled and overcome.

For more information on the Brasilian Evangelical Alliance, go to: The Christian Post is a global partner of the World Evangelical Alliance.

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