Join the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church 2012 on November 4th


Dear Friends,

The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) is less than a month away!

The designated date for IDOP, this year, is Sunday, 4th November 2012.  However, you could choose another date in November if you wish to join in this global, annual event to pray for the suffering church worldwide.

There are many countries in the world today where Christians are persecuted for their faith. Christians in Islamic countries such as Iran and Pakistan are often harassed and imprisoned. In many other countries such as Nigeria and Ethiopia, Christians face discrimination, violence and even death.

Christians around the world are being persecuted; however, little of their suffering is known to the outside world. The IDOP is set apart for them. It is a date on which we remember thousands of Christian brothers and sisters from around the world who suffer persecution, simply because they confess Jesus as Lord.

2012 has been a tough year for the persecuted church worldwide. It has been a year where Christians have been harassed, ridiculed, imprisoned, tortured, restricted subtly by the law and even killed, killed in scores.

So, we invite you to visit the IDOP international website at and find out more about IDOP 2012 and also download the special resources that will help you pray effectively for the persecuted.

We also encourage you to send us any resources that you would like to share that would be helpful in improving the IDOP website. You can e-mail all material to [email protected].

Join with us as we remember those who are suffering for their faith. After all, if one suffers we all suffer. We pray that this November will be a month of prayer and supplication from the body of Christ for the suffering members of the body worldwide.


Godfrey Yogarajah
Executive Director
WEA Religious Liberty Commission

Note: A few countries have their own IDOP website. Please refer to the listing of the national sites at for more information.

The 2012 IDOP website and resources are brought to you by the World Evangelical Alliance, Religious Liberty Commission (WEA RLC) in partnership with Release International UK.

Related Article:
> Why Pray on November 4th, 2012, the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church?

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