Urgent Prayer for Israel and Gaza

19 November 2012

Global Prayer Resource Network

"Finally, brothers, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you"
 2 Thessalonians 3:1

War machine grinds forward between Israel and Gaza

Mission News Network reports:

The ceasefire with Gaza collapsed on Friday after both Israel and Hamas militants accused each other of violating it.  Volleys this weekend from Gaza were met with Israeli airstrikes that took out the head of the Hamas military wing. Naturally, this caused retaliation, and the cycle of war began grinding forward.
Tom Doyle with E3 Partners says both Tel Aviv and Jerusalem both were hit, which brought the conflict to a new level. "The people of Jerusalem are kind of dazed that they actually heard sirens and something hit in the area. They're just in shock. They didn't think that it could happen, but it did." Doyle says because of the threat to Israel's citizens, "I would expect that Israel will hold nothing back now. It was bad enough hitting the largest city, Tel Aviv, but now they've hit the Holy City, so this will not be good." 

Meanwhile, believers are calling for a prayer vigil. Many Christians are caught in the crossfire, says Doyle. "We know lots of Israeli Defense Force troops that are young Messianic believers that are amassing on the Gaza border at Erez Crossing." On the other side, "We need to remember the church in Gaza really has no place to go. They trust Jesus." 
Shortly before the team left Jerusalem, Doyle spoke with a Palestinian believer who shared his concerns over what's fast becoming an untenable situation. "'We pray that He(Jesus) would return again and stop this because we don't see any end in sight.


  • Please pray for Believers on both sides of the border: although they don't ask for it, please pray for their safety
  • Join them as they pray for Jesus to show up in miraculous ways
  • Pray that they will be bold and speak about Jesus in the midst of all the turmoil
  • Ask God for Gospel opportunities.
  • Pray for the safety and provision of all the weak, old and young
  • Pray for Divine intervention in the negotiations between leaders of these two nations

Read the full article HERE

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Isebel Spangenberg
Global Prayer Resource Network
[email protected]



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