Persecution and openness amidst civil war in Syria



Global Prayer Resource Network



Persecution and openness amidst civil war in Syria

The civil war in Syria continues to claim lives. More than 30,000 have already died in the conflict. Now, with the rule of law unbridled, innocent Christians are becoming victims as radical Muslims take advantage of the situation.

The Middle East director of a Christian charity (not identified for security reasons), says one of his workers was killed. "There was a band of militia that came through and told all of the people to get out; then, they went ahead and killed the pastor and his family. So there are 11 Christians who have been killed in that one area from the ministry that we help."

On the other side, churches are reaching out to refugees with food, shelter, clothing, and the Gospel. "They've had many Muslims who have become Christians. There's great openness among those people."
The director calls to prayer for those who persecute Christians. He refers to the apostle Paul who came to Christ on the road to Damascus (today’s Syrian capital). “He was the worst of sinners and was a persecutor of the church. And God reached his heart! We need to be praying for these radicals that God would touch their hearts and that they would come to know Christ."
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Sunday, 4 November 2012

You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and listen to their cry.

Psalm 10:17


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