Global Prayer Resource Network Newsletter: How Should we Pray?



“Clearly the Lord is raising up a prayer standard to challenge the darkened, decadent soul of the age. A culture of prayer is what is needed, not a prayer meeting.
A great shift is occurring, and as it does, the tongue of fire and the move of God will turn the masses to Jesus, and the cry will be heard once again ‘what must we do to be saved?
—Lou Engle

This year the aim of the Global Prayer Resource Network will be to inform and equip those who are interested with exciting new Prayer Resources from various sources. 
Please also visit the for up to date prayer information for every nation as well as links to focused Prayer Ministries. 
“Informed intercession needs a revelation from the heart of God and good, reliable information”
– Etienne Piek

How Should We Pray?
It is not the place of prayer that is the critical factor, but rather the manner in which we lift our petitions. To insure success we should keep the following guidelines in mind:
Pray with a clean heart—
This is the only way to get God’s attention. In Psalm 66:18-20 David declared: “If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened; but God has surely listened and heard my voice in prayer. Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer…”
In Psalm 18:20 David acknowledged the wellspring of this special favor: “The Lord has dealt with me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands he has rewarded me.”
Pray with humility—
A humble and obedient spirit is another prerequisite to successful prayer. Intercessory formulas and clichés are presumptuous, and those who make a steady diet of them risk offending the Almighty. God is not a puppet on a string or a genie that we can command. When we approach Him it behooves us to acknowledge His sovereignty and splendor. We should listen before we speak, and when we do speak our primary focus should be on His will and purposes.
Pray with passion and fervor—
Passionless prayer is the equivalent of vain repetition or mindless muttering. It takes up time but in the end accomplishes nothing. To pray fervently we must become familiar with the object of our prayer (be it a person, a situation, or a community). This is hard work, but it is a price we will willingly pay if we are consumed with the heart of God (see Ezekiel 2:9-3:4). Informed intercession is a matter of not only of seeing things from God’s perspective, but also feeling them.
Pray with persistence—
Importunity is a recurring theme in Scripture (see Genesis 32:26; Luke 11:5-10; Acts 12:5). In II
Kings 13:14-19 Elisha told King Jehoash to strike the ground with a handful of arrows. When
Jehoash paused after three blows the prophet was angry with him saying: “You should have struck the ground five or six times; then you would have defeated Aram and completely destroyed it.” So it is with intercessory prayer. We do not rest in our petition until God gives the Amen.
Pray with faith and boldness—
The primary difference between bold and presumptuous intercession is specific guidance from the Holy Spirit. While it is true that we have been given power and authority in Christ (see Luke 10:19), this authority is not for us to use at our own initiative or discretion. It is ambassadorial authority, which means that it is to be exercised only at the bidding of the Sovereign (see II Corinthians 5:20).
Leveling the playing field—
We are not asking God to “make” people Christians or to “expel” demonic powers that have become objects of worship. Such requests violate man’s free will and God will not honor them. What we are appealing for is a level playing field, a temporary lifting of the spiritual blindness that prevents men and women from processing truth at a heart level.
Since our own strength is insufficient to bind higher-dimensional beings, we must rely on the resources of the Holy Spirit. Our request is that He temporarily suspend the logical consequences (spiritual enchantment) of people’s misplaced choices—an action that requires that He interpose himself between deceived individuals and their spiritual masters.
Taken with permission from George Otis, Jr., The Twilight Labyrinth (Grand Rapids, Chosen Books, 1998),

On the Wall

Join the FaceBook group HEREand become part of this initiative in your nation

1 – 3 February 2013
Watchers for Mediterranean nations, will join together in Gibraltar for a strategic prayer gathering.

More Information:  
            +356 9921 9755      

Africa HOP Conference

Africa House of Prayer Conference

18 – 23 March 2013
Learn more HERE

Ten Countries/12 Months

TC12 (Ten Countries in 12 Months) is Arab World Media'sprayer initiative for ten key countries of the region.

We are praying for more enquirers to get in contact through our Arabic and Kabyle evangelistic websites.

Sign up to receive TC12  HERE

Red-Light Prayer Initiative

Exodus Cry has created the Red-Light Prayer Initiative in an effort to see red-light districts across the world transformed.
We’re challenging you to pray for the Kingdom of God to come in the red-light districts every time you’re stopped at a red light.

Visit for
Prayer Resources and enrich your daily prayer life.

“God shapes the world by prayer. The more prayer there is in the world the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil …”
– E.M. Bounds
Founder GPRN
[email protected]


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